Help cycle advice beginner?


New member
I am 20 years old and I want to start with 400-500mg of test e so that I can see how it will affect my body and see if any noticeable side effects come of it. I want to order it but what happens if it arrives and my parents find it I still live at home. I work and go to school so if I was gone and it got delivered what happens if my parents find it. Would it be concealed in the package or would it say on the top what the products were.
It depends on who you get it from however I'm pretty sure it would be discreet. My packages always were. It would be no different as far as packaging than ordering something from Amazon.
Why don't you try moving out of mommy and daddy's house before you play with gear?

You will see how it will affect your body. For example it will shut down your natural testosterone. It will give you boobs (gynecomastia) because you forgot to do research and get an Aromatase Inhibitor. You forgot to do homework about running PCT so you will never recover your Natty T.
You guys are a trip haha.

Advice from another young one. I didn't start really growing until I was about 22-25 I was 125 lbs at 5'11" when I was your age. I'm sub 10% body fat now and 175. 5 years was a dramatic change for me. And I didn't really start lifting weight until 23. All body weight for many years. The real workout is consuming enough of the right food. The gym is the easy part. Scarfing down 4,000+ calories a day is no simple task. Hit your macro's as hard or harder than the gym. Promise you'll get where you want to be come cycle age. Megatron put me on "my fitness pal" which is an awesome macro/diet tracker.
And if your mind is made up.... I hope you can read well, and retain information. Cause it sounds like you need to do some homework. You will not reach your goals without understanding your body and how these hormones will affect it. It's a big deal. People get messed up.
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