help for my first cycle ever and have contest after 3 months

the golden myth

New member
guys i will start my first cycle it will be 12 weeks :-
1-(from week 1 to 12) test cypionate/enanthate 250mg twice a week every mon-thur
2- (weeks 2-4-6 ) only 3 or 2 times for deca 200mg twice a week every mon-thur or change it to sat-tues or sun-wed ?
3- (from week 7 to 12) winny 50mg/everday
4- (from week 1 to 12) nolva
my stats:-
Age 21
Weight: 91 kg
Height: 180 c
bodyfat: about 15% without any diet
5 years working out
i have an contest in march so please what is your opinion about this cycle ?
Well, I usually don't say anything about age... but in ur case u don't even know what ur doing, so I say no.

First cycle is TEST ONLY. I know it's tempting to run more stuff, but test is ur base for everything in the future and if u stack u don't know how u react to test alone.

U don't need whinny ever, Pretty useless compound IMO and only if u very very serious about competing, use before shows. Not during bulks.

U don't have any AI and ur PCT..?

PS: Deca is long ester. that should be ran like test 1-12.
In fact using ur compounds a proper stack should look like:
1-14 Test e 500mg
1-12 Deca 400mg
1-6 Oral steroids (most likely dbol)

Deca works better in higher ratios than 400 I would say and test should always be higher than ur 19 nor compound. (exception can be tren though)

Here is a proper PCT:
Clomid 50/25/25/25
Nova 40/20/20/20

And u need to be running HCG at at least 500IU PW tbh.
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guys i will start my first cycle it will be 12 weeks :-
1-(from week 1 to 12) test cypionate/enanthate 250mg twice a week every mon-thur
2- (weeks 2-4-6 ) only 3 or 2 times for deca 200mg twice a week every mon-thur or change it to sat-tues or sun-wed ?
3- (from week 7 to 12) winny 50mg/everday
4- (from week 1 to 12) nolva
my stats:-
Age 21
Weight: 91 kg
Height: 180 c
bodyfat: about 15% without any diet
5 years working out
i have an contest in march so please what is your opinion about this cycle ?

Your "without a diet" yet your "ready" for your first cycle ever ?

Don't think you are,, especially with comments like 'deca, only two to three times' weeks 2 4 and 6,, what the heck is that.
Might as well send me the deca instead of wasting it. You need to run it for 14 weeks straight,, not pin it a few times.
And besides that your too young to jump on gear man
So I will remove deca is that enoght

No because u have NO IDEA what ur doing. Does that not make any sense to u?

Ur entire cycle is wrong in terms of dosage/injections, u have no AI, No PCT, no DIET, no Knowlege, Ur age.

Nothing is going to work out here for u and after two of us posting u clear responses, u can simply only say removing deca is going to fix everything?

PS: for 5 years of training and u don't have a diet together, thats some sad news bro. Diet and training should be sorted out way back in the natty days before even thinking about steroids. Thats like the most basic thing u can get planned out and to know ur body and how it reacts to various macros and micros.
I said im 15% bodyfat without diet I mean that I have a normal metabolism rate cause I eat alot of calorise and of course I will do pct and have meal plan for the cycle