Help Me Please!


New member
Hey everyone, If you have read my post lately you know I am having some issues with finding the right diet. Is it possible to drop BF without cutting calories? I will be running test as I plan to continue year round, I would think that should make things a little easier. I would really appreciate some help with this thing! Again Its not that I am trying to lose "weight", I just wana get leaner if that makes any sense!

I have been going back and forth between two type of diets and I'm not really sure what would work best to lose BF while still holding muscle size, maybe gaining some small amounts in the process. The first diet is the Anabolic Diet and the other would just be a normal macro split, just keeping carbs a little lower then protein and focusing them around workout only. I was planing to keep calories around 20/lb just so I didn't lose much muscle size. I also thought about tweaking the Anabolic diet a bit and getting like 70g carbs PWO only and following the "no carbs" idea the rest of the day, would that make much difference?

Thank you all for your time and I know this topic has been posted many times but I cant find the answers I am looking for. Everything I find is geared more towards those who just wana lose large amounts of weight fast, that's not my goal at all! Again all I want to do is lose some BF without getting too small or losing too much weight! I would think that while running test there has to be a good diet that allows you to lose Bf while still adding some lean mass in the process, am i wrong? I just don't want to do the all out bulk thing anymore right now, but I want to continue growing as opposed to "getting smaller" and slimming down! there has to be some way to drop BF while still adding lean mass, at least while on.....someone please help me out! Thank You All!!!!
Is it possible to drop BF without cutting calories?
No, you have to be in calorie deficit.

since your not trying to rush it. wich is great btw, alot of people expect to be 5% in a week.... i would suggest firt clean up your carb sources. then gradually lower them. carb cycling could very well be an idea for you.

a very basic carb cycle that i was recommended was.
day 1 : 100g of carbs , increase protein by 40-50 g
day 2 : 200g of carb with normal protein.
day 3 : 300 g of carbs and then start over again.

carb cycling supposedly stimulates your metabolism while cutting calories. the carb amount is for endurance athletes so i think you could cutt back a little.

cut out or limit:
1. Wine, beer, alcohol in general
2. Sweetened and carbonated beverages and fruit juices
3. Sweets and dessert.
4. Cheese

for proteins concentrate on lean meats fish and eggwhites.

I dont think you can add mass at the same time since losing and gaining weight requires completely different things.
Thanks for the help ecke! After reading the past few days on this and other boards I have a better idea of what I am going to do. I am planning to not cut carbs altogether, bu just get them post workout only. The rest of my daily meals will be protein/fat only. I do think I may cycle the carbs to keep my body guessing but I will still keep them post workout only, and all complex other then my creatine.

My only real issue and this point is trying to figure out just how many meals following my workout will be carbs. I would think that the post workout meal would be the only one where carbs are needed but again I haven't decided on that just yet. I am also going to add like 30 min cardio following my lifting and do it first thing in the AM.
I ussually have 2 carbs meals pwo and maybe three if im hungry or has done alot. but i also eat carbs for breakfast.
cool thanks again, I feel much better about things and I am looking forward to seeing how much I can change my body!

I am wondering one thing as far as my post workout goes. If I am going to follow each lifting session with 30min on the heavy bag, would I want to get my post workout Vitargo after my lifting and before my cardio or just drink it after the entire workout? I was just think that it would be 30min after lifting if I wait until I am all done, would that be too long for my muscles to get the full benefit of the creatine or would it be cool since I am still working them to some extent with the heavy bag work?

Thanks again for all the help and I will keep everyone posted on how things go. I am putting togeather a plan that includes some very good supplements, diet, two different training splits, and ofcourse soem test :) cant wait to see the results! I will take some before and after pics and post them when I am all done and ready to bulk again!
you can wait without a problem. but if you notice you start to lose energy you can drink some energydrink and there could be some protein in there as well.