hi so i am new to this site and a beginner in steroids but any way getting right to it.
age 19
weight 220
height 6'1
I ve used Testosterone Enanthate in the past but i didn't really no what i was doing, i did learn the basics ( dieting, working out, injecting) i got gians from it but i lost them right away after i stopped using test and lost the will to wanna workout i started using steroids again because got a call from the army and am expected to ship out for training soon. So i want get into shape again. The person i got my steroids from was arrested and so i have no one to ask for help on this stuff now. Expect u fine people
Anyway before my guy was arrested he sold me
3 vials of 10ml of Sustanon 250
100 tabs of dbol (methandrostenolone) 10 mg
100 tabs of clen (clenbuterol) 50 mcg
25 tabs of exeplex (bitch tit burner )
He told me to inject sus250 every Monday, Wednesday, Friday morning and Saturday night take( 10am is when i wake up if it matters)
for dbol 3 tabs when i wake up and 3 tabs before i workout (again i wake up at 10am and take the 3 tabs but i workout at 12 and take another 3)
(the clen and exeplex i haven't taken yet and ill tell u why in a sec)
the clen was everday 1 tab but after 10 days 2 times a day
and the exeplex was 1 every other morning when i felt it was time
i strated this cycle march 19 2012 just the sus and dbol becuse the clen someone told me to take after my steroids are gone due to the fact the i am on a high protien diet and i want to gain musle, as for the exeplex to take when i felt that i have bitch tits i guess
I would love to hear your feedback and advice, hear are my questions
1. how to inject properly ( i injected in to my arms the first 2 times this week , the first time went fine in my left arm, but the second time into my right arm there was alot of pain and the sus wouldn't go in without me pushing hard, and i have a lot of after pain)
2. Are dbol intakes good, meaning that i take 3 wen i wake up and another 3 just before i workout 2 or so hours later
3. what should my workout look like?
4. what should my diet look like?
5. should i take the clen with what i am doing now because i do have some fat on me
6. when should i worry about haveing bitch tit and start the exeplex
thx to whoever helps me because am in desperate need of wisdom
age 19
weight 220
height 6'1
I ve used Testosterone Enanthate in the past but i didn't really no what i was doing, i did learn the basics ( dieting, working out, injecting) i got gians from it but i lost them right away after i stopped using test and lost the will to wanna workout i started using steroids again because got a call from the army and am expected to ship out for training soon. So i want get into shape again. The person i got my steroids from was arrested and so i have no one to ask for help on this stuff now. Expect u fine people
Anyway before my guy was arrested he sold me
3 vials of 10ml of Sustanon 250
100 tabs of dbol (methandrostenolone) 10 mg
100 tabs of clen (clenbuterol) 50 mcg
25 tabs of exeplex (bitch tit burner )
He told me to inject sus250 every Monday, Wednesday, Friday morning and Saturday night take( 10am is when i wake up if it matters)
for dbol 3 tabs when i wake up and 3 tabs before i workout (again i wake up at 10am and take the 3 tabs but i workout at 12 and take another 3)
(the clen and exeplex i haven't taken yet and ill tell u why in a sec)
the clen was everday 1 tab but after 10 days 2 times a day
and the exeplex was 1 every other morning when i felt it was time
i strated this cycle march 19 2012 just the sus and dbol becuse the clen someone told me to take after my steroids are gone due to the fact the i am on a high protien diet and i want to gain musle, as for the exeplex to take when i felt that i have bitch tits i guess
I would love to hear your feedback and advice, hear are my questions
1. how to inject properly ( i injected in to my arms the first 2 times this week , the first time went fine in my left arm, but the second time into my right arm there was alot of pain and the sus wouldn't go in without me pushing hard, and i have a lot of after pain)
2. Are dbol intakes good, meaning that i take 3 wen i wake up and another 3 just before i workout 2 or so hours later
3. what should my workout look like?
4. what should my diet look like?
5. should i take the clen with what i am doing now because i do have some fat on me
6. when should i worry about haveing bitch tit and start the exeplex
thx to whoever helps me because am in desperate need of wisdom
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