You need to figure out how many calories you are going to need per day. For cutting split those calories into 40% pro, 40Carbs, 20% fat. Then devide those calories into 6 meals. Once you figure out how many calories you will need from each of the three macronutrients you will have to calculate grams/meal.
Protein 1gm=4kcal
Carbs 1gm=4kcal
Simply devide the number of calories by the numbers above. This will give you exact grams
For example. Lets say you are consuming 3000kcal/day. For protein you will need 40%. That is equal to 1200kcal from your protein per day. Then split these calories over 6 meals(or how ever many meals works for you)=200kcal from your protein per meal. Then to figure out gms/meal for protein divide by 4= 50gms protein per meal. Do the same for all macronutrients. Once you knoe your requirements find a link to a food guide and simply create a meal plan that meets your requirments. Hope this helps.