HELP... old bottle of liquid winny


New member
My old bottle of oral winny suspended in alcohol will no longer dissolve evenly. When shaken, it forms clouds and clumps in the suspension. Any remedy to this? I thought about pouring it onto paper and letting the alcohol evaporate. Is there a chance that the actual drug is no longer viable? its been sitting for a year. Thanks in advance!
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I doubt that it is suspended in alcohol bro. Its usually a water base. I personally haven't used winny injectable in over 10 years. Maybe someone else can chime in here.
It sounds very like some I had a few years ago. I was liquid oral Winstrol so of course from an UGL. I crystalizes and I warmed it to dissolve more. Turned out to be bunk. Junk
It sounds very like some I had a few years ago. I was liquid oral Winstrol so of course from an UGL. I crystalizes and I warmed it to dissolve more. Turned out to be bunk. Junk

that's right. i don't know about oral but for injectable winny i know too that if it crystallyzes too mutch, the best remedy is to boil some water than put the bottle in it for a couple of minutes than take it out and let it cool off for another couple minutes, than shake the thing a bit and you should see not clumps anymore. works with primo too ( always injectable ) that is IF it's legit stuff obviously