Help on Dianabol cycle pct


New member
Hey guys I'm trying to get some help with my cycle. This is my second cycle my first cycle was only 12 weeks of test-E.

I need help mostly with my pct. I know there are threads out there but they all are so contradicting and seriously I'm a bit overwhelmed.

I have my gear ready to go as follows:

Weeks 1-6: 50mg dianabol (I know it's high but I couldn't get anything less)

Weeks 1-12: test cypionate 500 mg a week

Weeks 13-15: take nothing or maybe begin hcg now?

Weeks 16-18: begin pct clomid

For my pct I have:
HCG: 5,000 iu
Armidex: 1mg 50 tabs
Clomid: 50 tabs 50 mg

I have read some people recommend taking armidex during the cycle and others say to use it for pct. kinda confused now on how to take it. Same with the hcg. Please can I get some clarification if anyone has had some personal experience with a cycle like this.

29 years of age
202 lbs
8% body fat
Been slaying bodies for bout 10 years
Hey guys I'm trying to get some help with my cycle. This is my second cycle my first cycle was only 12 weeks of test-E.

I need help mostly with my pct. I know there are threads out there but they all are so contradicting and seriously I'm a bit overwhelmed.

I have my gear ready to go as follows:

Weeks 1-6: 50mg dianabol (I know it's high but I couldn't get anything less)

Weeks 1-12: test cypionate 500 mg a week

Weeks 13-15: take nothing or maybe begin hcg now?

Weeks 16-18: begin pct clomid

For my pct I have:
HCG: 5,000 iu
Armidex: 1mg 50 tabs
Clomid: 50 tabs 50 mg

I have read some people recommend taking armidex during the cycle and others say to use it for pct. kinda confused now on how to take it. Same with the hcg. Please can I get some clarification if anyone has had some personal experience with a cycle like this.

29 years of age
202 lbs
8% body fat
Been slaying bodies for bout 10 years

use the AI during cycle, not in pct. for hcg use it either during the whole cycle stopping a few days before PCT start or use it the last 4-5 weeks of cycle leading up to but not into PCT (stop few days before PCT starts)
Dex is an AI, Clomid is a SERM. for PCT I rec 4 to 5weeks of 35-50mg clomid every day AND 20mg tamox/nolvadex every day for the same duration of clomid.

and WELCOME to the forum! : )
I haven't got my test levels tested I'd say I'm normal haven't taken a cycle bout a year

have you ever had then checked? you should have before ever doing a cycle, so you know where you are naturally and can use that as a gauge point in recovery after pct.
if you didnt then you will never truly know... but i would still get one before this cycle atleast