HELP! Pheradrol cycle


New member
I am going to start a cycle of phera drol in about a week. For a pct I will be taking Novedex XT. This will be my one and only ph cycle, im just looking to put on some lean mass and cut some excess fat. I am however a little concerned with the possible sides. Specifically the hair loss. My mothers side has a history of male pattern baldness. I currently have slightly thinning hair at the hair line, nothing really noticeable yet. I have been taking rogaine for a while to postpone any possible hair loss. I ordered some DHT removing shampoo to use while on cycle and pct. Do you think that will be enough to stop any hair loss, and what else would you reccommend? Will one cycle and one cycle only even make a difference at all? thanks for all the help.

I will also be taking orange crush and afer glow for pre/post workout. My diet is also very clean, no junk. Im 6' weighing pretty sold 190 right now.
i assume pheradrol is a phera plex clone in which case i wouldnt worry too much about the hairloss. you bigger concerns should be blood pressure and your liver. i hope that you are preloading hawthorne berry and will be taking milk thistle while on cycle along with various other support supplements. also you are going to need more than novadex xt for pct. you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), test booster, and something for cortisol. a serm isnt a bad idea to have on hand either since phera is a pretty powerful hormone. i dont know if this ph will give you exactly what you are looking for because it is a wet compound which will not really help with the fat loss. it also isnt a good idea to use phera as your first ph cycle. i would start with something milder like h-drol or estane for 4-6 weeks followed by a pct. you can easily get 8-10 lbs of one of those and get lean at the same time.
I agree with u about some of the support supps, but i know several people that have only used novedex xt for their pct and been fine. It still boosts your natural test and blocks estrogen production so that doesnt spike right after the cycle. I also have already bought everything so returning isnt really an option anymore. With cardio i think i can keep my gains fairly lean. You havent heard of anyone experiencing hair loss using this PH for only one month?
lol. for the money your going to spend on xt u might as well get u some real nolva. much more affective.and like he said xt will not be enough.back in the day i tried gasperi xt and ended up having to still come out of pocket for nolva/clomid. and yes ive done phera,superdrol,epi,ect.ect. and found that i still had to post cycle therapy (pct) and for the money jus as well cycle gear,make better gains and still do the same post cycle therapy (pct)
I agree with u about some of the support supps, but i know several people that have only used novedex xt for their post cycle therapy (pct) and been fine. It still boosts your natural test and blocks estrogen production so that doesnt spike right after the cycle. I also have already bought everything so returning isnt really an option anymore. With cardio i think i can keep my gains fairly lean. You havent heard of anyone experiencing hair loss using this PH for only one month?

some people bounce back just fine using OTC post cycle therapy (pct) but its not something i usually do. even on simple h-drol cycles i will use clomid for at least 2 weeks. good luck with the cardio, the back pumps and cramps will be so bad after the first week you wont be moving too fast anywhere. i hope for your sake you have some taurine on hand to help with the pumps. 5-10 grams a day is a reasonable range for the taurine. ive personally never heard of anyone losing their hair but that doesnt mean it cant happen. it wouldnt be my biggest concern but if its something youre really worried about id look into another compound. for future reference do some more research before you up an buy everything. most of us guys spend months getting all the details of a cycle planned, even if its a simple prohormone cycle. the more knowledge you have going into a cycle the more prepared you will be to fight off side effects.
I wont be taking the normal dosage so im not worried about the back pumps. Instead of 3 pills a day I am going to be taking one a day for one month. Im not looking to gain anywhere over 10 pounds. Closer to 5. That is why I am expecting the sides to be hopefully slight and my pct to be sufficient. Does that make more sense? I left out that detail in my first post
Pheradrol Reply

I used pheradrol during 2007. My brother-in-law got me started and it worked very well for me. The increases: I was weighing 205 when I started, and 239 when I stopped. Bench went from 325 to 445. BUT-the side-effects: I had numbing in lower leg extremities and a lot of lower back pain. My doctor told me this "could be" a sign that my kidneys and liver were beginning to have issues, possibly close to beginning the "Shut-down" phase. I'm not sure this was true but I decided to stop. This may have been due to my age at the time, 33. Other people that I talked to did not experience these side-effects but I decided it wasn't worth the risk. Scale from 1-10, I would give it an 8.5, minus the side-effects!
Pheradrol Reply


I used pheradrol during 2007. My brother-in-law got me started and it worked very well for me. The increases: I was weighing 205 when I started, and 239 when I stopped. Bench went from 325 to 445. BUT-the side-effects: I had numbing in lower leg extremities and a lot of lower back pain. My doctor told me this "could be" a sign that my kidneys and liver were beginning to have issues, possibly close to beginning the "Shut-down" phase. I'm not sure this was true but I decided to stop. This may have been due to my age at the time, 33. Other people that I talked to did not experience these side-effects but I decided it wasn't worth the risk. Scale from 1-10, I would give it an 8.5, minus the side-effects!