Help required please! a few questions.


New member
Hi there guys, hope your having a good day.

I have been reading up on steroids for a while now - I figured I would maybe try some temporary as I saw fantastic results on a guy who hardly trains a lot , but I think I would get better results due to the way I train - but I needed to ask a few questions first to get it clear out of my mind

Firstly, how do I know the supply I get is fake or real?

If I buy the oral taking steroids, will they work the same? I have no intention of buying things to have injected in me, I will never do this. Do I just take them before/after workout with water or take it with protein shake? crush it in? (I have no idea, sorry to sound silly)

How long after taking them will I see results most likely? 2 weeks? 3 weeks? for someone who trains 1 body part a day at the gym through out the week

If I got the results I wanted and I decided to stop the steroids but carried on training the same, would the gains stay if I carried on taking my normal proteins, etc, etc?

Is there a place online that you PERSONALLY purchased that I can get them?

Sorry to bore you with my questions, I would like to see what peoples opinions are on this, I ain't going to lie, I am a 26 year old man and I get afraid to try things like this incase I damage myself..

Thank you kindly, hope to hear your replies.
Hi there guys, hope your having a good day.

I have been reading up on steroids for a while now - I figured I would maybe try some temporary as I saw fantastic results on a guy who hardly trains a lot , but I think I would get better results due to the way I train - but I needed to ask a few questions first to get it clear out of my mind

Firstly, how do I know the supply I get is fake or real?

If I buy the oral taking steroids, will they work the same? I have no intention of buying things to have injected in me, I will never do this. Do I just take them before/after workout with water or take it with protein shake? crush it in? (I have no idea, sorry to sound silly)

How long after taking them will I see results most likely? 2 weeks? 3 weeks? for someone who trains 1 body part a day at the gym through out the week

If I got the results I wanted and I decided to stop the steroids but carried on training the same, would the gains stay if I carried on taking my normal proteins, etc, etc?

Is there a place online that you PERSONALLY purchased that I can get them?

Sorry to bore you with my questions, I would like to see what peoples opinions are on this, I ain't going to lie, I am a 26 year old man and I get afraid to try things like this incase I damage myself..

Thank you kindly, hope to hear your replies.

Sorry, but your bolded statement tells me that AAS is not for you. There is no such thing as a successful oral-only cycle unless you happen to be female.
Very mature, how dumb, I openly said I have no idea how things work, which is why I thought I'd ask you lot, and you make dumb sarcastic remarks instead of explaining things like a normal human being.
Thats why you research and LEARN. Youll find out why oral only cycles are not a good idea if you have something hanging between your legs. Also youll find out its against site rules to ask for sources
well you can tell me "It's against the site rules to ask for sources" - then answer my questions in the right manner.

I did not know taking oral would be any different as I know a guy who does this - so I would of thought it would of been okay for me also, but thank you for clarifying it for me.