help with accutane question!


New member
hey.. my acne actually is kinda bad.. alot of red spots in the shoulders,chest,back but not even one in the face -.-...

im off my cycle next cycle i want to start taking accutane..
couple of questions..

1:how long you need to take accutane?!..
2:if you will take accutane and your acne gone away next cycle the acne wont get back? or you need to take accutane each time?!
3:i heard that if you are on accutane you have to do blood work every couple of weeks but i dont want the doctor will find out that im on test..
if i will do blood work he can find out?
hey.. my acne actually is kinda bad.. alot of red spots in the shoulders,chest,back but not even one in the face -.-...

im off my cycle next cycle i want to start taking accutane..
couple of questions..

1:how long you need to take accutane?!..
2:if you will take accutane and your acne gone away next cycle the acne wont get back? or you need to take accutane each time?!
3:i heard that if you are on accutane you have to do blood work every couple of weeks but i dont want the doctor will find out that im on test..
if i will do blood work he can find out?

1. Depends on a few factors (dose, severity of the acne) but you can assume somewhere between 6-12 months is common.

2. There is a good chance it will come back with AAS usage... higher doses and more androgenic compounds make it more likely. You should look at using something like zinc on cycle to help maintain your skin.

3. You absolutely need to do bloods. All you need is a CMP (comprehensive meta-bolic panel) which won't show your test levels etc... You could just do bloodwork privately.

You need to do more research and figure out for yourself if accutane is worth it for you.
first of all thank alottt

right now im taking 44MG of ZINC in the morning 44MG of ZINC in the night [its good dose?]
and i have antibacterial soap that i use every day
and im correctly on benzoyl peroxide that i put on my skin in the morning and in the night..
this all i start 3 days ago..!

and im starting to take a tan 3times a week [just started it had one tan this week]

how long do you think with all this my skin will get better?..
actually i can see a little difference right now but someone told me it takes 1 week to most of the acne go away..

BTW you suggest to add somthing more?!
first of all thank alottt

right now im taking 44MG of ZINC in the morning 44MG of ZINC in the night [its good dose?]
and i have antibacterial soap that i use every day
and im correctly on benzoyl peroxide that i put on my skin in the morning and in the night..
this all i start 3 days ago..!

and im starting to take a tan 3times a week [just started it had one tan this week]

how long do you think with all this my skin will get better?..
actually i can see a little difference right now but someone told me it takes 1 week to most of the acne go away..

Thats a decent protocol, I would add some copper or a multi-vitamin containing copper to it though. Zinc can deplete copper stores, makes you feel pretty shitty.

You only been doing this for 3 days? Man, give it some time. Should see results in as little as 2 weeks but I'd give it 6-8weeks for serious changes, if you get any. If this protocol works for you then you shouldn't bother with accutane.
thanks alottt :]]]! you made me feel better :]!

you think i need to add anything more?! like B5 or Pycnogenol
or somthnig else

my acne are only red spots without the white things in it..
its comes from oily skin?
can it be because i eat alott of CARBS
im at 6000 cals a day mostly fat and carbs
It's what I do ;) lol

B5 & pycnogenol certainly won't hurt... I've no personal experience with them but they are supposed to compliment zinc well. I find zinc alone is enough for me, but definitely throw them in if you can.
I would recommend running accutane only under docter supervision. Accutane is a serious drug and every one can respond differently to it.