help with calorie intake..


New member
I am the textbook example of an ectomorph! I'm 5' 10" 160lbs.
I train 3-4 times a week and do 25 min. cardio sessions twice a week. I have no clue what my BF% is but I'm pretty lean.

I eat all the time but I'm having trouble figuring out what foods to get the correct amount of nutrition from.

I'm shooting for about 4000 cals. a day trying to gain overall mass without putting on excess body fat. So far, my diet is only allowing me about 3000 cals. 200+ grams of protein and 150 or so carbs. I've been using flax and hemp oil as well. I use myoplex deluxe shakes throughout the day (3) and eat a well balanced evening meal. I work from 10pm-late 4 nights a week so I'm rarely up before noon.

I'm looking for any advice on food or supplement sources so I can make my skiny ass bigger. I've been looking at purchasing Medium Chain Triglyceride Powder from proteinfactory but am worried about gaining unneccessay fat.

Any help would be greatly appreicated.
Try to get most of your calories from good nutrition--eating a balanced diet, supplement it with a protein shake if you like but you should put the focus on 6 to 7 meals a day of real food--keep protein content high and keep the carb percentage lower later in the day, this will help your body assimilate protein for growth instead of storing excess carbs as fat. When bulking be prepared to put on some fat. What you do in the gym is going to matter--heavy compound movements such as squats and deadlifts should be the foundation of your workouts.
If you're an ectomorph you need to EAT BIG! Quit doing the cardio, and stop worring about getting fat. If you are really and ectomorph getting fat shouldn't worry you. I'd say 320 grams a day of protein, 480 grams a day of carbs and 70 grams of fat, that should give you about 3830 calories a day. If you still aren't gaining weight, eat more.