ok guys i need your help and opinions ok i want to do a cycle of superdrol and i am going to stack it with 6 oxo at the same time i am going to be on CX4 CEE. so i was wondering how many mg of superdrol should i do most people go with 20-30-40 but i am 205 and i was wondering if it was going to have less of an effect if i took small doses of sd. the last thing is what should i take for post cycle therapy (pct) anabolic xtreme has there post cycle therapy (pct) but idk about it cause i havent heard much about it. It looks like most people go with novedex xt and do 100-75-50-25 but i was wondering if there was anything else out there that i could use but its gotta be pills. if you could help me in any way that would be great thankz