Help with Diet


New member

I am relatively new to bodybuilding and would like some help with my diet.

Currently i just try to eat healthy and have 4-6 medium meals a day each meal i try to keep proteins to a max and carbs lower with veggies thrown in. Although recently i have been reading alot about macros and how important your diet is, so i want to keep to a strict diet from now on. I also take phd synergy iso-7 after every workout.

My main goal is to gain lean mass whilst cutting fat of my problem area which is my gut, which i have only recently got, as i started a 9-5 job two years ago and have gained the gut over thoose two years as i got lazy with diet/exercise. Average weight is around 175 lbs and height is 5'8 and i am 21 yrs old.

Any advice would be appreciated.
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my mistake.. im used to seeing it in the format i asked for...

the best starting point is figuring out your bmr/tdee

you can find the formula in the first post of my free diet advice sticky

we can move on from there
my mistake.. Im used to seeing it in the format i asked for...

The best starting point is figuring out your bmr/tdee

you can find the formula in the first post of my free diet advice sticky

we can move on from there

if you wanna hold on to the mass.. i'd say eat 2500 calories and work ur ass off on cardio.. that would be best

so let me see

230g protien
150g carbs
97g fats

that's how ur macros should look
if you wanna hold on to the mass.. i'd say eat 2500 calories and work ur ass off on cardio.. that would be best

so let me see

230g protien
150g carbs
97g fats

that's how ur macros should look


Thats an interesting split of 38%/25%/37%

why that split? I ask because i occasionally change my normal 40/40/20 split and go with 50/25/25 50 being protein. Ive thought about even going 60/20/20 but never considered going 40/20/40. Any advantage? disadvantage?

Thats an interesting split of 38%/25%/37%

why that split? I ask because i occasionally change my normal 40/40/20 split and go with 50/25/25 50 being protein. Ive thought about even going 60/20/20 but never considered going 40/20/40. Any advantage? disadvantage?

not everyones body works the same.. and try to remember that splits are more suggestions then rules of thumb..

heres another way of thinking about it..

the MINIMUM amount of carbs i recommend for someone who is not running keto is 150g.. reason for this is on average, your liver starts to produce glucose if u have any less, kinda counter productive...

so lets say u weigh 200lbs..

i would recommend 250g protein for someone this size minimum..

so u havve 250 + 150 = 400... 400 x 4 = 1600 calories..

lets say u have a 2700 calorie limit for your cut

u need 1100 calories.. .these should come from fats..

the philosophy behind it?? u need the calories but you dont wanna cause an insulin spike.. remember dieting is all about controling and manipulating insulin levels.. while forcing ur body to burn fat...

fats dont cause insulin spikes...

so 1100/9 is 122g roughly...

at this point.. we arn't talking about macro splits..

we are builing a diet around the fact that we wanna keep carbs at 150g...

50 morning
50 pre
50 pwo...