Help with first cycle?


New member
I'm about to turn 19 soon & have been been following a strict diet/training regime and want to start my first cycle.
I'm 6'2, 195lb. about 15%.
I'll be on a 5-6k calorie diet, with around 350-400g protein.

I've been researching what to run for a few months and was wondering what to expect from this?

Test En(500mg): Weeks 1-12
Dbol(20mg): Weeks 1-4
I'm also prone to gyno naturally, so should I also add: Femara 2.5mg EOD?

PCT(Started 7 days after last inj.)-
Nolva(40mg tapered off): Weeks 13-17
Bioforge: Weeks 16-18

My goal from this is mainly size, but I would also like to gain some strength.
All help is appreciated.
I'm about to turn 19 soon & have been been following a strict diet/training regime and want to start my first cycle.
I'm 6'2, 195lb. about 15%.
I'll be on a 5-6k calorie diet, with around 350-400g protein.

I've been researching what to run for a few months and was wondering what to expect from this?

Test En(500mg): Weeks 1-12
Dbol(20mg): Weeks 1-4
I'm also prone to gyno naturally, so should I also add: Femara 2.5mg EOD?

PCT(Started 7 days after last inj.)-
Nolva(40mg tapered off): Weeks 13-17
Bioforge: Weeks 16-18

My goal from this is mainly size, but I would also like to gain some strength.
All help is appreciated.

your fucking 19! You have so much hormones its like your on steroids right now!

im 25 and i havent even done a cycle yet, you wanna know why. Iv done research and found ways to keep making good gains in size and strength without them. Diet and training is all you need to worry about.
Please go.

your fucking 19! You have so much hormones its like your on steroids right now!

im 25 and i havent even done a cycle yet, you wanna know why. Iv done research and found ways to keep making good gains in size and strength without them. Diet and training is all you need to worry about.
Both Diet & training & sleep have been in check for years.

I've researched too; I've gained 45lb in the past 3 years, but stopped gaining both strength and size for the past few months, and actually have begun to show symptoms of low test. I realize I could keep progressing naturally, but I plan to go beyond natural.
If you choose not to, that's your choice & lifestyle, not mine.
I'm going to run a cycle no matter how some people try and discourage it.
There are ways to use moderately safely, anyone who knows even the basics about gear knows there are plenty of people who began at a young age and are still alive and well.
I posted this expecting critiques from experienced people, not people who haven't even touched gear before; Your opinion is invalid.
I am looking into a similiar cycle as you for my 1st one this summer except with beastrdol instead of D-bol, I am 20 and been lifting since I was 14 and havent gained much the past couple years. I have similiar macros as you and have been doing other supps for years... Your plan looks good to me but we'll see what others say...
zazeama4;2790888[B said:
]Both Diet & training & sleep have been in check for years.

I've researched too; I've gained 45lb in the past 3 years, but stopped gaining both strength and size for the past few months, and actually have begun to show symptoms of low test. I realize I could keep progressing naturally, but I plan to go beyond natural.
If you choose not to, that's your choice & lifestyle, not mine.
I'm going to run a cycle no matter how some people try and discourage it.
There are ways to use moderately safely, anyone who knows even the basics about gear knows there are plenty of people who began at a young age and are still alive and well.
I posted this expecting critiques from experienced people, not people who haven't even touched gear before; Your opinion is invalid.

Every vet here will tell you the same thing. Take some time and look around. Every experienced person will tell you not to use gear until you are in your mid 20's.

Do you know how to deload and cycle lifts properly? If your showing signs of low t it could be from overstraining and or shitty diet. Unless you have a medical problem there is no reason you should be showing signs of low t.

what does a week of training look like for you?

what do you eat in a day?
What a little prick. whats the point of asking for advice zaz if all your gonna do is get pissed when the advice you hear is not what you want to hear. Obviously your diet and training are not in check if you are not making gains and getting stronger at 19..which from another thread you started you say your 16? its kids like you that give other people relatively similar in age a bad rap because of the way you make your presence on this site. Im 21 never did a cycle and im just starting to hit a plateau after 8 years on intense training. the only weeks ive ever taken off were the past 8 because of injury. Because of your post in another thread asking about treating gyno, im guessing your lying about this being your first cycle. my guess is you did a ph(without pct) and liked the results so you want to use the "real" stuff now. Kid you got a lot to learn.

I almost talked myself into doing my first cycle, but after reading, learning, and LISTENING to advice given on this site, I found safer alternatives that will hopefully keep me away from gear for the next few years.

Considering your 2 posts of conflicting age and interest..I have one word of advice. Lay of the juice because you dont want a small pair of balls to match your small brain..:molepoke:

Both Diet & training & sleep have been in check for years.

I've researched too; I've gained 45lb in the past 3 years, but stopped gaining both strength and size for the past few months, and actually have begun to show symptoms of low test. I realize I could keep progressing naturally, but I plan to go beyond natural.
If you choose not to, that's your choice & lifestyle, not mine.
I'm going to run a cycle no matter how some people try and discourage it.
There are ways to use moderately safely, anyone who knows even the basics about gear knows there are plenty of people who began at a young age and are still alive and well.
I posted this expecting critiques from experienced people, not people who haven't even touched gear before; Your opinion is invalid.