Help with possible new cycle and current/previous training


New member
Ok first stats

Weight before training: 175
Height: 5' 10"
Age: 27
Weight now: 191
Bf: 13-14%
Training: well 4 months into training for first time ever I was told by a friend to use teste for big gains (I now realize this person knows nothing about juice) so anyways I did a 10 week cycle at 500mg a week.
I then did a pct like this
Clomid: 100/100/50/50
Nolva: 40/40/20/20

My diet is in check and my training routine is good. I'm at the gym 5-6 days a week.

What I was wondering is if I should do more test since I've already done a cycle, or if I should work out natty. Keep in mind I'm looking for decent gains.
When did you end your last cycle counting pct?
I think you should have trained natty for at least a couple years before going to aas.
I'm still doing the pct now. I'm in the third week. Like I said I know I have to wait before doing another cycle. I was just wondering if I should do test again since I've already done it or can I get good gains just training natty even tho I've done test before
If you only trained 4 months natty, went on AAS for a 10 week cycle, then yes, you still have plenty of gains to make naturally without any AAS. I'd log another 2-3 years of natural training with diet in check before hopping back on.

To elaborate: this recommendation isn't just cause you can still make gains (which you have the ability to make plenty of if you recover properly from this cycle). By only training 4 months naturally, you have no solid "foundation" to support the mass/strength you'd gain by continued cycling. There are so many reasons as to why you should hold off on the juice, but if you aren't willing to do the research, the big 2 should be more than enough to sway you: you'll still make fairly good gains, and your body isn't anywhere near ready to handle cycles which lead to injury/other physical problems.
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