HELPPPP !!!! Need Advice fast before I get my gear

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Hey Guys im about to start my 5th cycle im 25 years old, 6'1", 175 pounds, and under 10% body fat im sure. I would consider myself a hard gainer, have had gyno problems in my last three cycles and want to see what you guys think about how ive set up my latest cycle. My Last couple cycles were (test e 500mg ,tren e 300mg) and (t400, Deca 300mg, dbols). The gear I have is mostly Svensk Apotek and includes:

30ML of Test E 250mg
30ML of EQ 300mg
20ML of Test P 200mg
100 caps of Proviron 25mg
50 tabs of Arimidex 1mg
40 tabs of Clomid 50mg
5000ui HCG

Here is the cycle i put together:

Wk 1 -12 750mg test e
Wk 1, 2 , 15 ,16, 17 100mg test p EOD
Wk 1 -15 600mg EQ
Wk 6 - 14 50mg Proviron ED
Wk 1 - 17 1mg Arimidex EOD

Wk 18 -21 50mg Clomid ED
Wk 18 -21 1250ui HCG

I think its kinda messy but with the gear i have thats what i was thinking. Im not sure how i should use the Priviron and where and also the test p. Thought i would use the test p to get me going while the test e got into my system and use the test p at the end as i have read it is a good idea to finish on a short acting ester. My PCT is there for 1 week after final shots of test p are done.

Any suggestions?????????

Also I was thinking of running Animal Stak or Animal Stak M to ensure im getting everything i need to grow.
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