Hey ya'll. New to the forum.


New member
I'm new to the forum and the lifestyle of these kinds of supplements.
I used to naturally lift heavy as a member of the armed forces and was pretty jacked at age 26. (I say naturally but still used a few BSN products)
Things leveled out around age 30 when I got out.
I had real world stress....got out of the lifting world.
Quit drinking alcohol at age 30 as well.
Eventually lost most of my body fat along with muscle mass but kept a lean figure.
Felt young and horny and started my career in the adult industry.
XXX and Softcore.
Lots of times I was typecasted as the thin guy with long hair....kind of getting beat up by women.
Not the worst gig ever :)
Also produce my own line of fetish films.
Now at age 35, I felt my test level drop significantly.
I live in Southwest USA and was able to get some gear I've wanted to try.
I figure if I stay educated and stay aware of how my body reacts, I'll be fine.
Already just one week and I feel the muscles I once had growing at the fiber level and getting full again.
Not water retention either.
I always thought anabolics or injectables was dumb as a young guy....especially the sports in high schools. But I'm not medically young anymore haha and am going with it. Also being sober has kept my organs in good shape. (Live/kidneys)
Still got movies to make.
Might as well transform my body.
Hope to post and read lots of ya'lls
Sorry for being too chatty.....but I'm used to making up long winded fantasy stories for forums and now it feels better just talking about real life.
Glad to be part of the forum.
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Welcome Kyle. Let us know how we can help. If you like, post up your cycle and we can critique it for you. Check out the FAQs link in my signature below too.

Also, please don't sign posts with your real name. Maintaining everyone's anonymity here is important.
I posted my cycle over here
Thanks Megatron. I use a stage name for my job. Used it for the forum as well. As cool as it would be if my last name really was Chaos. It is not :p