HGH Questions


New member
Hello All,

I've been lurking for a while, reading a lot of interesting posts and answers from most of you and now need your help.

Here are my stats, (I'm heavy but very petite BTW)
At 5'1'' I usually compete at 125lbs... well I did 4 weeks ago anyway ;)

This time, I'm trying to be at 118-120 lbs on stage. Off season I’m around 130 lbs
I'm also trying to lose a 4-5 lbs of muscle in the process.
(I took a bit of test before and have since stopped and I'm smaller already (IE less muscular)

I am a figure competitor, that needs to shrink a bit due to the new "softer" rules in figure. I'm by no mean a rookie in the competitive world but I am in the AAS/GH world!

I'm now 6 weeks out, and on my 3rd week of GH use (Serostim)
I use it to cut only (my problem area is my skin not being tight enough, hence the use of GH...)

I use 3 units a day @ 6 days on, 1 day off.
I inject it in the morning around 5:30 am.

My hands are a tiny bit stiff, but not that much. Skin is better already.
The first week I could barely stay awake!!! It's getting better now, however I am still tired in the AM.
I am hungry ALL the time! I seriously could eat all day long!

Now my problem is that ever since I started it, I GAINED 7 lbs! I’m now at 135.8 lbs…
I'm sure it's water since my diet is cleaner than clean and my face is also extremely puffy.

The thing is that facts are also a bit mixed up since I’m also having my period for the first time in 6 months (body fat was too low) and maybe a bit of the water retention is due to that.

My trainer have recommended stopping for a week as of next week and restarting for another 4 weeks, which would mean stopping a week only before my show.

He is a man... and has dealt with men only... I am his only female athlete and I want to make sure I do the right thing :)

I have EXTREMELY important photo shoots next month, I really really cannot be puffy! I need to be as small and tight as possible.

I’d like to know what women users have to say?
I’ve read a bit about Supergirl’s experience, and I’d like to know if the water retention will last???
Should I take something to flush? Or should I stop GH longer or should I use only 1 or 2 units 7 days a week instead??
Do you recommend stopping only a week before the show, or should I stop prior to that?
Or any other suggestion…

Thanks for your help!
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Hi GHGal;

Just curious.. have u used anything like dandelion root to tighten up before a show (as a natural diuretic)?

also.. u might consider adding glucosamine, chondroitin & msm to your supplement regimine. tightens the skin, repairs connective tissue & the msm helps with cellular osmosis.. which among other obvious benefits can also help with misappropriated water retention in the body..

i dandelion the week before the show, titrating the dose up as the show day draws closer.. but i take the gluco/chon/msm mix daily.. it has helped me in many ways--especially with water retention & skin tone.

i have done hgh, but not before a show. i understand that the water retention is dose related.. i'm sure everyone is different, but u might try decreasing the dosage NOW to see if that helps.. it might help u decide..

i wouldn't try too many things at once.. or u won't kno what is actually helping.. i'm sure the other ladies on here will have more experience & helpful additions to contribute.

good luck!
Hi GHGal;

Just curious.. have u used anything like dandelion root to tighten up before a show (as a natural diuretic)?

also.. u might consider adding glucosamine, chondroitin & msm to your supplement regimine. tightens the skin, repairs connective tissue & the msm helps with cellular osmosis.. which among other obvious benefits can also help with misappropriated water retention in the body..

i dandelion the week before the show, titrating the dose up as the show day draws closer.. but i take the gluco/chon/msm mix daily.. it has helped me in many ways--especially with water retention & skin tone.

i have done hgh, but not before a show. i understand that the water retention is dose related.. i'm sure everyone is different, but u might try decreasing the dosage NOW to see if that helps.. it might help u decide..

i wouldn't try too many things at once.. or u won't kno what is actually helping.. i'm sure the other ladies on here will have more experience & helpful additions to contribute.

good luck!

Bonjour Evangeline,

To answer your question, yes I have used diuretics before, both natural and pharmaceutical, my skin not being tight enough is more a problem of being a former fatso than holding water (I've lost 100 lbs in the past)

Now I have never tried a gluco/chon/msm mix, maybe I should give it a shot at my next show! Thanks for the tip.

This morning I was down at 133 but I know I'm still holding a lot of water, also the stiffness in my hands has reached my forearms and has also increased
How long do you plan on using gh??? It takes a good 6months to actually see results. And most woman never exceed 2 mcgs a day. also how old are you?? im not sure id waste the money on it if you are young. I did not find it did all that much for me and have been told by multiple trainers i did not need it.. i wish i wld have listened but i wanted to see for myself as everyones bodies are different! good luck !
How long do you plan on using gh??? It takes a good 6months to actually see results. And most woman never exceed 2 mcgs a day. also how old are you?? im not sure id waste the money on it if you are young. I did not find it did all that much for me and have been told by multiple trainers i did not need it.. i wish i wld have listened but i wanted to see for myself as everyones bodies are different! good luck !

Hiya ! I'm 33 now (but will not admit it publicly LOL).

I was supposed to do 3ui a day (6 days on 1 day off) for 8 weeks.

Now I think I'll do 1 UI a day 16 weeks (6 days on 1 day off) ... if I continue.

I have been using it for 4 weeks now (with one week off last week as I was traveling.... I lost 6 pounds of water just by stopping it!) and planned on using it for another 4 months at least.

How long did you use it??

Really I'm not using GH to get more muscles, I'm using it to improve skin texture and help with fat loss.

I started again on Monday and my weight climbed! It makes me hold water like crazy but my skin looks great!!!

I feel like I'm PMSing like never before (extremely tired, sad & bloated) and it scares me.

I now really wonder if I should stop it altogether I have important photo shoots in September and I cannot do them if I keep holding water like this!

How long did you use it?? did it really do nothing for you??

Also i used not
I used it for about 7mo... for as expensive as it is, I dont think its worth it. And really, you're most likely not going to see results in september . I would stop if i were you but it just my opinion. Have you tried fish oil for your skin? And/or daily skin regimens b4 bed? I used to not really go all out and do the whole "wash face w GOOD face wash, use toner and lotion"...once i did, i saw results pretty quick...and I have good skin anyway. And fish oils are good for skin in general, body and face.

As for 3iu a day....with all my research Ive done, Woman shouldnt exceed 2 ius..and should be administered in the am...as your natural GH is at its highest when sleeping and lowest during the day. I emailed a lady about GH and all the research ive done. Let me try to find it and I'll post it under this thread or email it to you.
So... you need to be on HGH for at least 5 to 6 months to really see results. However, I noticed a small jump start in fat loss when I first started.

As for the number of iu's to inject and the timing. Men in general will inject 4iu's and above. Woman don't need and should not go over 2iu's per day. Regarding when to inject...you will read different articles saying different things. Some say it's best to inject half the dosage in the am and half in the pm, all in the am, or all in the pm. I inject the whole 2iu's in the am upon waking up and here's why. (sorry if you know all this and this info is redundant!) Your natural GH is produced by the pituitary gland and pulses the most, when you are sleeping. So why inject Gh at night when your Gh levels are naturally at their highest??? To me, it makes more sense to inject in the am when your natural Gh level is low, keeping your pituitary pulsing high throughout most the day...by the time the GH has worn off...your pituitary gland has recovered and is back to pulsing high again when you are sleeping ;-) .

As for where to inject... most typically inject in the abdominal area. I usually switch from my tummy to my love handles. GH can be used as spot treatment to help reduce fat in areas.

I have been told I am too young to use GH...However It has helped me in lose a lil fat and reduced my recovery period in between sets!!!!

Also, you always want to inject in your fatty tissue...dont go into muscle.

As for side effects...none. The only thing Ive had is a bruise from pinching myself too hard when squeezing my fat to punch in the needle LOL!!!! However, it would be smart to get blood work checked... if for any reason you have cancer or a tumor you are unaware of... its going to multiply or increase in size more rapidly.

Hope Ive helped!!!! Keep me posted on any new info you come across regarding our sport! Good Luck!!
if it is loose skin that you need to sort out, try rubbing in pile cream, (ie preperation h) get the cream version though, this is a tried and tested method and worked a treat for me! you will probably get through a tube every couple of days, but perservere and slap it into the skin everywhere you think it needs tightening.