HI! I'm Zamand, I have a really urgent question that needs answering though!


New member
Hi Everyone!....I have had my blood checked several times....I had my most recent results on Tuesday, my total test levels are around ~1250 ng/dL, and my free test levels are around ~280 pg/mL, HOWEVER my oestrogen (E2 I think?) is really high, about ~80 pg/mL, my doctor said that my testosterone is high and my oestrogen is really high but he doesn't want to prescribe me anything because of some shitty excuse....I train intensely and very frequently (I do Freestyle Wrestling and Powerlifting) and my diet is good, I have had high test all my life and have enjoyed the benefits of it but since I turned 18, my oestrogen levels have been increasing (but my testosterone has not changed at all), I can feel the effects of the increased oestrogen, I find it harder to lose fat, I have gyno and my libido went from being constantly high to random.....So I was looking around online and I saw a post on this forum saying something about Aromasin (Exemestane) and how it kills oestrogen permanently without affecting test negatively and that it can be run alone without steroids so I ordered a 30pack (30 pills, each pill contains 25mg of Aromasin (Exemestane)), I have never touched steroids before in my life because of sports but I really want to get rid of the oestrogen, the effects are embarrassing. I am thinking of starting test in the future however, so any advice on that would be appreciated too. But anyway here are the questions that I want to ask, I am asking on here because you guys seem to know pretty much EVERYTHING and I would like to benefit from your wisdom (serious lol)....

When should I take it? (EG Before Meals, After Meals, After Waking Up, Before Bed ETC)

How much should I take? (EG 12.5mg, 25mg, 50mg ETC)

How often should I take it? (EG Everyday, Every Other Day, Once A Week ETC)

How long should I take it for? (EG 4 Weeks, 6 Weeks, 8 Weeks ETC)

What are the side-effects in men?

Thank You!
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Maybe try starting at 6.25mg every other day.

You will have to use it as long as you continue to aromatize testosterone into estrogen -- so probably as long as your Total Test remains that high. You will have to keep getting blood work to see how you are doing. Remember, low estradiol is worse than high estradiol. Be very careful not to push it down to low.

You should treat your gyno now. Don't let it persist. An endo can help you with that. They will probably put you on raloxifene. It that doesn't work you will need surgery to remove it.

Take it whatever time of the day is convenient for you to remember.
I see, thank you Megatron28, what are the possible side-effects of this drug? I know about joint point but can people really fracture bones with this (I saw this on some medical site but most of the side-effects were related to females)? Should I supplement with some calcium? What happens when Estradiol is too low and how will I know?
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You can definitely affect your bone density.

Like I mentioned, you have to keep getting blood work done frequently. That is the only way to know where your Estradiol (E2) is at.

The side effects of the drug are mostly related to lowering your estradiol too much.
Don't let your estradiol get too low. How do you that? By getting frequent blood work done to see how you are responding. AI's are powerful medications. You have to be careful with them.

Honestly, if I were you, I would try taking over the counter supplements first to see if they are good enough. DIM, copper, zinc and B-6. I would try this before going the AI route. You can research them on this site. Look for threads started by Austinite. He was written extensively on this subject.
I see, I take ZMA, and copper already, I'll look into DIM, Thank you very much Megatron28, I appreciate your advice! :)