High blood pressure and AAS?


New member
Is it safe to cycle with high blood pressure? Everything is alright as far as health goes. No one in the family has high blood pressure besides myself and my older brother. Would it affect anything? How do I lower it? Im 25 and had it taken and it read 158/84
You have it even when off? Why arent you on meds if you have a condition? Not safe to run high bp for long periods better to keep it under control always
a year or so ago,, my blood pressure went from 135/78 to 206/110,, and ended up at the doc office getting an ekg.. why.. only thing I changed was the cycle I was blasting. AAS has a DIRECT effect on blood pressure,, period, no arguing the fact.

what is needed is , how do we control this and keep these effects to a minimum . theres a lot that goes into that,, you may want to know why you have high BP to begin with before considering doing a cycle and risking it going much much higher
Honestly, I never had high blood pressure until I got promoted at work six years ago. I work in a very stressful environment and dont do much to control it. Im extremely quiet and dont really let my feelings out and just keep everything bottled up inside.
Getting on a lot of test might actually help with that. When I am blasting test I am the happiest guy in the world. Nothing seems to ever get to me. I just go about my day and want to fuck anything I see with a skirt on. It all rolls off my back (as long as estradiol is manager of course).
Getting on a lot of test might actually help with that. When I am blasting test I am the happiest guy in the world. Nothing seems to ever get to me. I just go about my day and want to fuck anything I see with a skirt on. It all rolls off my back (as long as estradiol is manager of course).

Soooooo, I may or may not have a skirt just lying around here...

How you doin'?
