High estradiol arimidex questions


New member
So, I'm a 21 yo male. Have in the pay done a test e and anavar cycle. I have been having some problems with getting a hard on with girls sometimes. have had sex with over 20 girls and sometimes but not all the time I struggle to get / maintain a stiff. It mostly happens the first time with a new girl but also happens randomly I got some bloods done twice and both showed that my e2 levels were higher then the maximum range for a normal person. I know high estradiol can cause this. Could my previous cycle be the cause of this? And should I consider getting my hands on some adex to try counter the problem? My test levels both times were in the normal / high range btw. This is starting this get really annoying and embarrassing so after any opinions I can get. Sorry if this is off topic for the forum
So, I'm a 21 yo male. Have in the pay done a test e and anavar cycle. I have been having some problems with getting a hard on with girls sometimes. have had sex with over 20 girls and sometimes but not all the time I struggle to get / maintain a stiff. It mostly happens the first time with a new girl but also happens randomly I got some bloods done twice and both showed that my e2 levels were higher then the maximum range for a normal person. I know high estradiol can cause this. Could my previous cycle be the cause of this? And should I consider getting my hands on some adex to try counter the problem? My test levels both times were in the normal / high range btw. This is starting this get really annoying and embarrassing so after any opinions I can get. Sorry if this is off topic for the forum

You did a cycle in the past? How old where you when that happened and what was it?
Pct was nolva 40/40/40/20 clomid 50/50/50/50 and dmaa 5g ed. Not sure how to post a picture but reading was 170n/mol and 185m/nol and the range stated <150
If you are not on a cycle now, if no exogenous steroids then DO NOT TAKE ANY Arimidex. You might crash your E2.

If on cycle now stop and PCT. We need to know more about your blood work and the others that know more in that area will chime in. Stay and be patient with the forum.

OH another Q's is are you doing any Rec drugs like Opiates?
Also post any meds you are currently taking, these can cause this problem as well as many things.
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Not taking any other meds. This is an ongoing problem as there was a year between first and last bloods. Tests also read 18 and 20nmol/L with reference range of 8-3-29 for testosterone. I saw a video from a gp where he explained arimidex twice a week of .5mg could fix this.
i have just done some more research and found that i have actually really high oestrogen at 180pmol , this is probably the reason why i am always carrying a lot of water weight. someone please confirm ?