High fat low carb? What you think


I am banned!
So currently I'm trying to cut ( but still keep the weight) I'm currently 6'3 220-225 14% bf. My goal is to be 230-240 10-12% bf.

My current diet has been around 3000cals with 40/45/15 pro/fat/carb
My question, is that too much fat?

Iv read that high fat low carb diets work for cutting but you know the internet on the same page it will have a counter point saying that it's bad for cutting....

The fat most likely come from peanut butter( I fucking love peanut butter) almond, ground turkey, eggs, can't think of anything else I eat that has a lot of fat. I use low fat dressings and spreads when I do use the
I think unless you go into keto, you're going to have a rough time in the gym on carbs being cut that low. I'm far from a nutrition expert, so I'll leave the details of your diet proposal to them. For what it's worth: I'm a type II diabetic and I have tried many different carb-reduced diets to keep glucose in check; but the caveat is that it seriously kills workouts as I run out of gas if I go too low.

I'd get in touch with 3J. He'll set you straight and has pretty damn good pricing on setting up a diet for you. At least he's worked wonders for me and a few others I know on here. :)
I think on my training days il trade out my veggies for rice or other carbs.
Can't tell to much of a difference at the gym, although at time I do feel like just going home but I push through it.

I have a new plan to take affect this week. On non training days I will keep it the same low carb high fat. Then training days high carb and hoping I can keep te fat down. I think this will work. Protein I have no problem with. I'm about to eat 2 pounds of steak lol so fucking good
You still need those veggies though, so you'd want to swap out fats for the carbs. Unless you're talking potatoes or corn/etc. Mmmmm, steak...

All this steak talk is going to make me take a late night trip to the store!