high mg fina

100 works very well. i made 150 out of pellets and it hurt like hell. havent tried over a hundred with powder.
i was hoping for close to 150 . a cc of eth and 1.5 of fina at 150 mg eod would have been nice
try it and see what happens. if its painfull cut it back. if the enan is not too high mg/ml concentration it will help with pain from tren. enan at 200 will help the tren tremendously. in fact you can make them together in one solution. 75mg/ml tren and 200mg/ml enan. do 2ml eod. to make 100ml add 7.5g of tren and 20g of enan in with 5ml BA (for the tren) and apprx. 70ml of oil. filter, bake and shoot.

i may add that this will be a kickass cycle. esp if you ad 50mg/d of oral Winstrol (winny). 1.4g tst/week with 525mg/week tren and 350mg/week Winstrol (winny). very nice. i would recommend the Winstrol (winny) as it goes very well with tren. it actually helps to block a lot of the sides from tren. very nice cycle.
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I did 150, not very pleasant. First time I ever got the cough too, I shoot it with my prop EOD so I needed the low volume.