high test / low tren or high tren / low test


New member
plz help me i wanna bulk up for the for winter and im planning on doing test and tren for my 4th cycle but dont know what doses should i do ? its my first time with tren and i dont know if i should inject higher test dose or higher tren dose

thank you

170 lbs ( just finished my cut)
8% bf or so
Start off with low test/high tren. A lot of guys run between 200-300mg/wk of test and 350-400mg/wk of tren and claim to have minimal sides. I personally saw little difference between the two and ended up preferring high test overall. Just be sure to control that estrogen and run a dopamine agonist like caber/prami.

My .02c :)
thank you again halfwit

but in terms of muscle gainz is there any difference between high test or high tren ?
for the sides i know high tren/low test is better but in terms of gainz wich is your favourite ?
I personally saw slightly better strength going with higher test. Remember though, what works for one may not necessarily work for another. We all definitely react differently to not only the drugs but the diet and training as well, so of course your mileage may vary. :)
wich doses do you recomend me for a first time user tren ? how many test prop and how many tren a i should inject ? :)
thank you
I'd go with something like:

1-12: 100 mg EOD test prop
1-10: 75mg EOD tren ace
1-12: .25mg EOD prami at night with food.
1-14: .25mg EOD adex
14-16: PCT

You're going to have to do your own research on PCT doses and both the prami/adex doses are adjustable based on prolactin/estrogen levels. This is meant as a guide only and can most certainly be tweaked to fit personal needs.