High Total test, Low free test

Black Beard

@ X450 Gravity
Hey guys, i was wondering if low dose Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like arimidex could possibly free up some test. My total test level was 740 but my free test was only 12.4 I believe ive read that something around 20's is optimal for free testosterone.
Yes, an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) can reduce SHBG, which would increase your free test, but if you're not increasing your testosterone at the same time (which also increases your estrogen) - you could potentially cause yourself some problems as low estrogen makes you feel like crap. Proviron is a mild AAS that can also increase free test in a similar manner, but it should be taken with a test base. As this is the PH forum, my OTC suggestions would be eating more broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables along with a mild supplementation of zinc. It won't work as well as the "real deal", but might help free up some test as they naturally reduce SHBG as well.
Thanks halfwit. Would the effect broccoli be pronounced enough to make a significant difference in free t? like bringing it up to 20? I hate cruciferous vegetables. I already supplement with zinc and my vitamin D is on the upper range. Would very low dose Aromatase inhibitor (AI), maybe m,w,f free test to a more respectable level. I know this is all speculation, i just want to hear your opinion on the matter. If it will make a significant difference, then i would opt for the "real deal" and probably go with some arimidex
Thanks halfwit. Would the effect broccoli be pronounced enough to make a significant difference in free t? like bringing it up to 20? I hate cruciferous vegetables. I already supplement with zinc and my vitamin D is on the upper range. Would very low dose Aromatase inhibitor (AI), maybe m,w,f free test to a more respectable level. I know this is all speculation, i just want to hear your opinion on the matter. If it will make a significant difference, then i would opt for the "real deal" and probably go with some arimidex

I have little faith in natural supplements making THAT large of an impact on your hormone levels. The biggest part of this is how do you FEEL? Chasing blood test values can be haphazard in itself as we all operate at different hormone levels in different ways. I know guys that feel FANTASTIC at 450ng/dL of total test while I am not feeling "right" unless I'm pushing 800+. An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) without testosterone supplementation can and will drive your E2 into the ground as your body can only make so much estrogen naturally.

If you don't feel good and suspect your FT is to blame, I would look into running a mild AAS cycle (talk to a doctor FIRST please about your FT concerns) with a DHT derivative and an appropriate Aromatase inhibitor (AI). There's no need to talk to them about AAS, but there may be options better suited for you that don't involve changing your hormone profile drastically. I do not recommend running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) by itself unless you're VERY careful and are willing to invest in blood tests throughout your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) supplementation. A crushed E2 is much harder to bring back than one would suspect, and you will feel miserable with low estradiol levels.
I see. That makes sense. Thank you for your input halfwit. What would happen if i took clomid by itself. Would it put my nuts into overdrive? More Total test, then maybe more free test? That would raise E2 but maybe then i could add the low dose Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I was thinking of trying something milder than AAS but stronger than herbals. Seeing as my total t is decent. I could def be feeling better at my age. Kind of lethargic, ok drive. In your opinion, What could clomid theoretically do to my hormone profile?
I see. That makes sense. Thank you for your input halfwit. What would happen if i took clomid by itself. Would it put my nuts into overdrive? More Total test, then maybe more free test? That would raise E2 but maybe then i could add the low dose Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I was thinking of trying something milder than AAS but stronger than herbals. Seeing as my total t is decent. I could def be feeling better at my age. Kind of lethargic, ok drive. In your opinion, What could clomid theoretically do to my hormone profile?

Try forma stanzol bro from Mr Supps: https://www.mrsupps.com/Products/18/Forma+Stanzol/
Its Formestane which is basically a topical aromasin, and will lower SHBG considerably ;)
I run it every post cycle therapy (pct) and stack it in with Unleashed from N2BM which is herbal, but is the best product by far for lowering SHBG so well worth trying imo