hit a plateau 4 weeks now


New member
weight 206-208 age 35 height 5'9 no Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use bf%19
circuit train with weights 3x a week cardio 4 times aweek
i have change my cardio type, changed weight routine, and 4 weeks no loss.

diet is the only thing left untouched, i been eating 2200-2500 cals since jan as a zig zag but the fatloss stopped just started fat burner 2.5 week now once a day will go to 2 a day next week eca

so i RE read chris acetos book again, EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT FAT LOSS. i used it years ago to get to my lowest BF% 12 and something jumped out, my calorie baseline back then was based on my lean body mass not total body weight, as Chris aceto says bodyfat does not require calories its just storage and is not metabolically active, where as brown fat is.

So i need your thoughts. my lean body mass is 168-170lbs .my maintanace calories according to his book is 1700/day at the lowest so if i shoot for 1850-1950 keeping my cardio the same ,so i dont create to large a deficit think this will be a good aproach,

i know some guys prescribe to upping my cals but i just cant see me adding calories in the 2500-2700 cal range and me lose fat. my main goal is fatloss I lift heavy eat clean keep doing cardio, once my body fat goal is reached hit weights harder cut the cardio up my calories focus on gaining muscle to get stronger to build my bmr.

Also i just bought some firelean extreme by bmf i am taking them back they dont heat me up at all. just going to use eca,with green tean and yohimbe helios would be nice but non around here.

I also have levothyroxine do i use the levo i know its not as strong as t3 they say 0.175 on the pill by flint, i was going to split them and take one every other day , your thoughts, on my plan of attack to break this plateau, i also have stanazolic on hand but have been advise to leave anabolics for now which i will as earlier advice.
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Sorry about getting to this so long after your PM. I haven't been on much over the past two or three days.

kjay said:
as Chris aceto says bodyfat does not require calories its just storage and is not metabolically active

Yes, this is absolutely true.

kjay said:
So i need your thoughts. my lean body mass is 168-170lbs .my maintanace calories according to his book is 1700/day at the lowest so if i shoot for 1850-1950 keeping my cardio the same ,so i dont create to large a deficit think this will be a good aproach,

Sounds like a solid approach. Since you have recognized that you require less calories then you are taking in now to lose bodyweight (since you are stuck at your current weight) you have to lower your calories and/or increase the number of calories you are using throughout the day.

kjay said:
my main goal is fatloss I lift heavy eat clean keep doing cardio, once my body fat goal is reached hit weights harder cut the cardio up my calories focus on gaining muscle to get stronger to build my bmr.

Definitely the best way to approach it in my opinion.

kjay said:
I also have levothyroxine do i use the levo i know its not as strong as t3 they say 0.175 on the pill by flint, i was going to split them and take one every other day , your thoughts,

I would not use T4 (levothyroxine) at this point. It will eat away at your lean body mass almost as much as your bodyfat, therefore causing more problems then it would be solving. Stick with your plan, it's a good one, and you should do well.
thanks as always i truely appreciate it, it been a long frustrating hall, it 6:30 am, off to cardio before work, have a good one.
Be carefully when cutting cals that low, you may burn off alot of muscle in the process. Give it a shot and see how it works, sometimes (especially with women) you aren't eating enough to lose weight as weird as that sounds... you're body isn't getting the right fuel it needs and is storing fat which will also make you get pretty catabolic. If 1700 cals is accurate make sure you're still getting good carbs.
you need to zig zag in a greater differential. 2200-2500 is too much. I'd dip from 1800-2200 to see your weight loss pick back up.
i appreciate the advice, i was going 2200-2500 just no lossing weight i am getting stronger, but waist is not dropping, i will try zigging again with 1700 as my lowest cal day and 2200 as my higher and see what happens, it is getting frustrating but just have to keep going i guess the overall outlook as i am living a much better lifestyle and learning tons of stuff. i have changed my body drastically but more work to do , my goal was to hit 15% by mid august, 19 now, still do-able but the window is shrinking and the belly aint. lol
i will definetly update, my job allows me july and august off 2 month vacation, i am hitting the pavement for my cardio bye to all the machines as i believe this will be more effective. Also i will strap on a back pack every pound i lose i will add a pound inthe backpackas a progression in my fatloss cardio, my fat burning stack is as follows

25e 200 c 80 a 800mg green teas extract, 2000g of CLA and 2000mg of liquid l carnitine. befr ei head out glass of ice water so the body heats up and its 1 hour steady hard power walk on empty stomach, when i hit under 200lbs i may change things up a tad i wll see. Aboot thanks for all your support and patients guys like you make these boards less intimidating. thank you
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