New member
First cycle last year and only ran 10 wks of test e at 500mgs a week.
no sides at all besides the occasional rage, dick worked well and i was told i needed trt at 25 from all the prohormones i took growing up. They fucked me and long story short. Either way im 32 now and do mma training and rarely sleep with kids, work, job etc.... eat and supplement well over 250-400g protein a day.
im looking to use something that i wont have to pin all the time. Gain weight and strength. 10-12 wk cycle i suppose can work.
5'7 172
Bench 275 for 5
incline 245 for 3
Squats 315 for 10-15 reps 3-5 sets
deads 315 for 20 5 sets
Last cycle finished in sept. I did pct and been clean since. Last cycle was because i had taken 6 months off and needed to get back where i was in a 1/3of the time.
no sides at all besides the occasional rage, dick worked well and i was told i needed trt at 25 from all the prohormones i took growing up. They fucked me and long story short. Either way im 32 now and do mma training and rarely sleep with kids, work, job etc.... eat and supplement well over 250-400g protein a day.
im looking to use something that i wont have to pin all the time. Gain weight and strength. 10-12 wk cycle i suppose can work.
5'7 172
Bench 275 for 5
incline 245 for 3
Squats 315 for 10-15 reps 3-5 sets
deads 315 for 20 5 sets
Last cycle finished in sept. I did pct and been clean since. Last cycle was because i had taken 6 months off and needed to get back where i was in a 1/3of the time.