Holy tren a waaaaat


New member
SO I ALMOST died tonight after pinning a ml of tren lol..shit is fucking amazing...tren cough and taste daaam ilove it..haha:wackit: :wackit:
Shit was crazy bro I always taste it will I pinn it..but this new tren Batch I got omg I felt that cough coming from the bottom of my loungs lol.
lol this happens to me all the time. I stopped taking Tren a while back due to the coughing episodes.. What exactly causes Tren cough? Thanks
I got it the first time only, I can't remember any other episodes, and it was small. I'm only 8 days in so we shall see.
Only pinned tren twice but I'm using tren e and I haven't had the tren cough, does the tren cough only happen with tren a?