Homebrew is Killing Me


Delectable Injectables
My homebrew prop and tren I made is rough in terms of post inject soreness. I'm used to the prop being hard to work with after injects as my last two cycles were prop and recently prop/tren.

But fuck, its 4 days going on now and I can still barely bend my leg after a quad shot, never mind getting a lift in. Even after the warming the oil, injecting slow, massage, etc..shit still feels like a gun shot + a big red blotch around the inject site for a few days.

Anything to prevent this when brewing in the future? I went with a 5BB/1BA mix this time.
Prop is crystalizing in depot, you didnt use enough BB. Use 20-30% next time, or consider ethyl oleate as a main carrier media. Ive heard many painless prop stories with EO.
A-10 said:
Anything to prevent this when brewing in the future? I went with a 5BB/1BA mix this time.
Yeah, don't use testosterone propionate. Use long-ester testosterone (cypionate, enanthate).
mranak said:
Yeah, don't use testosterone propionate. Use long-ester testosterone (cypionate, enanthate).

Meh, I love prop. I frontload and come off with it to so for a short 10-12 weeker theres no point in switching to L Ester stuffs.

DougoeFre5h said:
Prop is crystalizing in depot, you didnt use enough BB. Use 20-30% next time, or consider ethyl oleate as a main carrier media. Ive heard many painless prop stories with EO.

Thanks. Would I raise the BA as well for the ratio? I'm gonna look into EO because prop without post inject soreness would be heaven.
TP @ 200mg/ml:
1% BA
EO as carrier

*First time I did it with 20% BB just to make sure but 15% works as well.
I have extra BB leftover. Is there anyway I can draw some into a syringe and then after I load up my prop/tren shot backload a few drops of BB to cut it?
Ditto on what DocJ said. EO has made a huge difference in prop for me. Pain is nonexistent even at 1/3 EO in concentrations up to 120mg/ml.
How many mls are you injecting at one time? If its more than 2mls then its too much in one spot. In fact, I never inject more than 1.5mls in one spot.
Currently I inject 1.5mls Tren Ace ED and I inject 1.5mls of EQ and 1.5 mls Cyp every Mon and Thurs. I draw both EQ and Cyp into the same syringe but I still split it into two 1.5mls injections. Its better to do two injections than too much in one injection. Once I injected 2mls of EQ and CYP into my upper quad and it hurt like a muther for a week. Now I split it and I'm almost pain free.
Also, it doesn't matter the strength of the dosage, ... what matters is the volume of liquid in one spot.

The ratios of BA,BB and base are of coarse important too,, like the guys above have told you, but I thought it might be wise to point out that you may be injecting too much in one spot.
I'm shooting 1ml prop + .75ml tren. I've hit this same amount + more in the past with the same ingredients with almost no probs. I know there is some adjustment to prop and that after a few weeks the soreness starts to subside but there's no point in injecting the stuff when hitting a quad shot and now just today [five days later] I can just barely bend my leg again, lol

So does anyone know if adding a few drops of BB into my shot would lessen the post inject pain? I gotta shoot today so if anyone knows get back to me chop chop. Thanks in advance
So know one knows if I can add a few drops of BB to my syringe to cut down on the post inject soreness?
Good idea

Yes, But I would do two injections. One of Tren only and one with Prop with a little BB added. That way you can figure out exactly how to fix your problem. Even if you have injected more in the past. You are dealing with homebrew. Unless you are a chemist by trade, you could have made small mistakes with your measurements. Its better to have your prop a little dilluted than to be unable to bend your leg, that kinda defeats the purpose.

What gauge needle are you using? For quads you should be using 25 1.5.
Also, I hope you are not using the same needle that you draw with. This severly dulls the needle and can cause pain even if you don't feel it right away. Try lubricating the needle. Before you inject, push a little oil out of the syringe until you see a small drop run down the needle.
One more point, lol. Some muscles are more sensitive to certain esters than other muscles. My pecs and quads hate EQ. I think it has something to do with the nerves. Try splitting the Prop into two injections. One in each calve. Use 25 5/8 for calves.
Don't listen to people who insist that you mix all of your injections in one syring and iinject in one spot. Splitting the injections is actually more effective. it may cost you in needles but its worth it.

Good luck and keep us posted.
mustanged77 said:
What gauge needle are you using? For quads you should be using 25 1.5.
The vast majority of us recommend 1" for quads, but individual needs will vary.
25 1" for quads

Your right! 25 1", for quads. I got myself confused(not hard to do)
Thanks for straightening that out.
ended up putting 5 small drops of BB in my syringe, big difference. Gonna try it again tonight and see how it goes. Next batch will be high in BB for sure.
Really, I never have problems with my calves as long as I don't frequent them too much. Walking around actually helps work out the soreness.
The worst pain I ever felt was EQ in the pec. The whole side of my body went numb. I guess everybody is a little different.