hormone levels after PCT


New member
So ive had puffy nipples since puberty and went to the doc to see about surgery to fix them. Im on cycle atm 500mg test e every week on week 4 atm. Im not gonna stop the cycle early so after my 10 week cycle and 4 week PCT how long on average should i wait just to be 100% sure my hormones are back to natural levels before i get the blood tests?

Also they said if i come back with a high estrogen reading i could be covered by insurance for surgery, any way i might be able to make my estrogen a little high just for the blood test lol?
Just an idea...u could do no post cycle therapy (pct) at all and ur test levels will be super low and high e, then have a doctor prescribe u testosterone and now u got a cheap reliable source for juice. Basically trick the tests so u get put on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). I know a few guys that have done that.

And obviusly by doing no post cycle therapy (pct) it will be harder to keep those gains, but its the sacrifice to get trt