Sustanon flu
New member
Everyone' issue. Elevated heart rate. Is that possible to reduce this?
What is your heart rate at on cycle? And what is it off cycle?
No we can't. but I have found a few things that elevate it even more while on cycle. - Alcohol consumption (big time raises heart rate). - Excessive carbohydrates and sugars. - Over-reaching in your training. - lack of sleep.
When I pin the sust EOD, my heart rate was 110. I stopped and will do E7D. 250 mg/wk is good for me. My levels are >1500 ng/dl on it.
So you apparently don't understand how esters work.
125 mg twice a week bro.
Still don't understand esters I see.
Resting heart rate will go down with extra cardio, make sure you're taking in enough magnesium and potassium and getting enough rest.
I see you mean specially on cycle, I was starting in general.
85 is perfectly fine. Trenbolona can raise heart rate in some people. Sometimes the increased hematocrit can force the heart to work harder. The only ways of moving more blood and oxygen around is pumping harder or faster.
side question for those who may know --
I just added some Primo at 500 mg per week and started running test prop as well at 100 mg eod (on top of increase of my TRT dose of test c from 200 a week to 250 every four days). My resting heart rate for the last 4 weeks has been about 80-85, checked the last two mornings and it was 93-95. I started the primo and prop about 10 days ago.
I'm guessing this is the test prop getting in my system rather quick . I've kick started and ran test prop plenty of times and just never noticed that quick of change in resting heart rate though .. so not sure if its the test prop, something else, or perhaps my primo is faked with something else (not sure what that would be though, again its only been about 10 days)
How much costs 100 mg primo to u?