How Do You Get Bicep Peaks?

genetics, you either have peaky biceps or you dont check out lou ferrigno , i have no peak which makes a 13 inch peaky arm look better than mine even though its not, lol
As was posted above it is all genetics bro. Just concentrate on adding mass to the biceps!
alfa23 said:
genetics, you either have peaky biceps or you dont check out lou ferrigno , i have no peak which makes a 13 inch peaky arm look better than mine even though its not, lol

I'm with alfa. I've only got 16'ers right now and less than 12% bf, but I see people with 13 inchers and peaks looking a whole lot better than me.
yeah, I figured it was genetic, but im arguing with someone right now that you cant change the way the muscle is shaped, but you can change the size.
Concentration preacher curls worked for my peaks - sqeeze'em like a "mutha what" when you do this exercise, no resting on the up or down motion. Good luck.:)
well u cant change shape correct, just size but the best exercise i find is alternate heavy DB curls. brought up my peak nice. if u always use the EZ bar it wont hit the peak.
At the end of a dumbell curl or concentration curl twist your wrist to the outside, this is how arnold said he built such a great peak. Genetics has alot to do with it, also try spot injects, I swear they add a little size after a few months of ED shots.