How does this LIGHT DNP cycle look?


New member
This is my first DNP cycle. Have 50 mg DNP caps on hand.
Currently on Tren Ace 75mg EOD and Test 150mg per week.

Height: 6'4
Weight: 255 lbs
Unknown bodyfat %--but below 15% but I'm in shape with medium visual abs.
Extremely vascular.

I know everybody says to start at 200mg per day to assess tolerance, but I'm starting at 100mg.

Day 1-100mg
Day 2-100mg
Day 3-100mg

IF its I haven't had an allergic reaction, day 4 forward looks as follows:

Day 4-200mg
Day 5-200mg
Day 6-200mg

IF all is bearable, day 7 forward will look as follows:

Day 7-300mg
Day 8-300mg
Day 9-300mg
Day 10-300mg

Perhaps-300 or even 400 mg for an additional 3-5 days.

I'll be applying standard precautions with supplements and high water intake.

Suggestions? Comments? Concerns?