How is my cycle and PCT? Should I recover well?


New member
Hey guys,
I'm wondering what you think of my first cycle and how I should recover afterwards (getting my natural testosterone level back to normal). I ran 8 weeks of test c 500 mg/week and the first 4 weeks kick started my cycle with 20 mg dbol. I started my PCT 1 week after my last injection and using Nolvadex only. The first 2 weeks I'm using 40 mg/day and the last two weeks using 20 mg/day. Do you guys think I should recover good with this plan?

FYI, I'm 23 and this was my first cycle.
Odds of recovering well are very low. You are doing a lot of things wrong. Looks like you didn't do very much research prior to starting a cycle. I would highly recommend fixing what you are doing if you don't want to be on TRT the rest of your life.
Mega is right. You should have done more research but guess too late now. Test Cyp it is a long ester and should be run a min of 12 weeks. Along with it you would need to run some form of AI to keep your estrogen in check. Lastly but not least you should wait 3 weeks before you start your pct since one week is not long enough and you still have a lot of left over test floating around. Now the most important part, you would need both clomid and nolva for your pct. There is a sticky at the top of the page. It says beginners start here. I would go there and read up. Good luck !!
Since u already messed up i think u should do ur pct again or get blood work done and post it up for us to see where ur levels r atm
Since u already messed up i think u should do ur pct again or get blood work done and post it up for us to see where ur levels r atm
This also if your going to be running orals like d bol your going to want to run cycle support to protect your liver pick up some Mr.supps tudca next time dbol is not an oral to be taken lightly.