How long should you stay on creatine

Insane Man how do you know it is possible to maintain 5mg aday if your transporters down regulate. If they cant maintain then its money down the toilet.
Yeah no harm in cycling, but you will miss out on probably iimmesurably small gains :D
Yeah, 5g a day is probably overkill if you are saturated, it's just a recommended dosage to ensure you stay there.

The way I see it, creatine is cheap anyways so who cares?
I just started M1T by underground labratories and that is cheap and hoping its as effective as everyone says.
Nathan said:

I dont think frosty believed me.

All you're saying is that the transports downregulate because stores are saturated. Again, how does that make it beneficial to cycle it? So when your stores aren't saturated, the transports are "upregulated." Big deal...all that means is you have less creatine and your body is ready to take it up when it gets it. That doesn't improve the efficacy of it...all it does is take you off it for a few weeks. How is that beneficial?
If the creatine transporters down regulated simply because of saturation then this would occur after the loading phase which is done to obtain saturation in the first 5 days. But it does not happen for about 6 weeks why I do not know the answer because it is not address in the article. Any how the efficacy is then compromised because the transporters need time to recover. Cycling off is not to improve efficacy but to allow it to be achieved once the transporters have recovered.
The beneficial part comes in when you are not pissing out your creatine waiting for the transporters to recover.
I'd like to see the info on this, because I don't understand why that would occur. It doesn't take 6 weeks to supersaturate glycogen stores. And if creatine transporters do not downregulate until 6 weeks, then would that mean that you can continue to fill creatine stores? What dose is this at that requires 6 weeks? Was it a small dose?

Are we talking saturation or supersaturation here?
You are right it only takes 5 days of 10mg a day to saturate. Then the dosage drops to 5mg a day. But after 6 weeks the transponders down regulate. I do not know why it just says they do, I assume this comes from experiments not just some guy guessing. The info I have gotten comes from reading articles published by MRI the company coming out with CE2 ,pure creatine ethyl ester HCL,at the end of November. They are comparing it to creatine mono and saying uptake of creatine will be improved by 39 percent with no insulin spikes. So if you want to read the info I read look for a CE2 ad.
Downregulation happens because of saturation. How can a transport mechanism continue to work if it has nowhere to transport the shit?
Insane_Man said:
Downregulation happens because of saturation. How can a transport mechanism continue to work if it has nowhere to transport the shit?

Exactly. Where is it putting it if saturation occurs within days yet transporters remain active for 6 weeks? Wouldn't that mean that cause supersaturation?

Even if cycling benefited the transport system by keeping it active, how does that actually cause a real benefit if there is nowhere to put the creatine??

What about the use of creatine during workouts, then a stimulus for SUPERsaturation post-workout?

I'm not going to read an ad for scientific info. That's not a reliable source at all. I mean, Muscletech is 1453.35% more effective than normal whey!! I'd like to see some real info to back this up.
Nobody is saying that cycling will improve results. The reason for cycling is actually in every sentence you typed. If it has no transporter due to down regulation then where does it go was your question. Think a little about that, creatine is highly unstable so it is a beat the clock situation. If not used readily it is converted to creatinine and you would lose it through urine. No matter when down regulation happens this would be bad cost efficiency wise. If you are still taking creatine during down regulation it cannot be properly transported therefore wasted. Yes I know that the information is bias but like I said before usually you would receive bias information to cause the company to gain. Wouldnt Muscletech make more money if they provided info stating that you could stay on creatine continously?
I don't know if there is any "downregulation" or anything like you said, but I think it all becomes moot because exercise seriously increases creatine uptake.

Again, I need some studies here. I'm not going to go by some ad for a creatine product.
I usually don't stay on it. I just figure that the body makes its own and I don't want it to stop because it is always there. But I don't know.