how much carbs?


New member
whats up guys.. Spring break is coming around and its time for me to cut. Now this is kinda new to me, because all i do is bulk. I'm 6'7" 250 pounds, but at this height, even that much weight doesn't make you look like a freak!

So i know to cut my carbs down, but what would you recommend? maybe like 300g protein, and 150 g carb? My body responds pretty well to diets, and therefore i loose a lot of muscle when i cut down on the carbs. What do you guys think?

I was 6'0 220 when I started my cut, and I took in 310 protein, 250 carbs and about 85g fat. That cut me down to 207lbs without losing muscle. Based off my experiences and your weight, I would put your protein at about 340-375gs, carbs at 275, and fat around 90-100. That puts you at about roughly 3400 calories. If you start losing weight too fast, then add carbs, if you dont really see a change in weight then lower the carbs a little. Keep protein and healthy fats mostly the same until you start dropping weight. I always like the 1.5grams of protein per bodyweight when cutting, so if you weigh 100 pounds, you should take in 150gs of protein for example. Fats I like 25% of total caloric intake. So at 3400 calories, 25% of that is 850 calories, divided by 9, and you get fat grams (94gs). Try losing 1-3 pounds of weight per week. At first you will probably lose a lot of water weight and because im sure your metabolism is going fast from bulking, but after that, 1-3lbs a week is good.
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