How much carbs???


New member
I am 6'4", 210 lbs. 12-14% bf, 26 yo, and am concentrating on leaning out. I'm currently eating 1 cup oatmeal every morning, 50g dextrose pwo, and 30-50g clean carbs in my ppwo meal. I was wondering if this is sufficient for my size. I do cardio and lift 3 times a week.

Also, I plan on running a lean bulker soon, and was wondering how much I should up my carb intake. I'm very cautious with my carbs because I gain needless fat very easily when my intake is too high.

If you're trying to lean out your current carb intake is correct.

For a clean bulker add low burning carbs as brown rice or whole wheat pasta with your meals. If you're prone to get fat, make sure your last meal has no carbs. During a clean bulker your total carbs would be around 350 gr and total kcals around 3700.
That's exactly what I was looking for, thanks. I have a ton of oatmeal...can I use that as my main source of carbs???