How Much Did You Gain On Your First Cycle?


New member
How much weight did you guys gain off your very first PH cycle, and what did your first PH cycle consist of? Something fun I thought about earlier today!
Nothing, I think it was 4AD and Nor something. 1AD worked a tiny bit, like 5 lbs but terrible mental sides. So overall I have never had good results with PH's, but I haven't tried them in about 5 years.
I'm 21 years old now, after my 20th bday I was able to get my hands in two bottles of TREN from ACL. Did 8 week cycle, by week 6 and 2 days I went from 150 to 184 in weight. Strength was insane! PCT wasn't the best learned a lot from that cycle.. I was able to hold 181 for 3 months until I got stomach flu for 1 week.
did a six week cycle
wk 1 beastdrol
wk 2 beastdrol
wk 3 ebeastdrol/epi-strong
wk 4 beastdrol/epistrong
wk 5 epistrong
wk 6 epistrong

gained about 15 lean pounds, kept about 11

bench went from 185 6 reps to 205 6-8 rps
Hemadrol/ Propadrol 4 week cycle gained 10lbs bench went up nearly 100lbs no joke i had a really good training partner