I am banned!
I've started a blast of 400mg of Test C after being on TRT a little over a year. I never had any pain at the injection site before. I bought Test from a reputable lab after researching on here. My first shot of 1ml was in the glute. I noticed that through out the day I could feel the injection site. It wasn't bad but I knew that I gave myself a shot. The next injection was in my quad. Again, after a few hours I could feel the shot. I'm now on my 3rd full day after the injection and the soreness in my quad hasn't gone away. Its pretty annoying actually. It hurts to press on the area and it hurts when I sit and get up. It reminds me of a hard leg day where you can't bend your legs and how tight it feels but its only in that one area.
I imagine that its normal. I've went from a 1/4cc per body part to 1cc and now the muscle has to get used to it.
I imagine that its normal. I've went from a 1/4cc per body part to 1cc and now the muscle has to get used to it.