How much PIP is normal???


I am banned!
I've started a blast of 400mg of Test C after being on TRT a little over a year. I never had any pain at the injection site before. I bought Test from a reputable lab after researching on here. My first shot of 1ml was in the glute. I noticed that through out the day I could feel the injection site. It wasn't bad but I knew that I gave myself a shot. The next injection was in my quad. Again, after a few hours I could feel the shot. I'm now on my 3rd full day after the injection and the soreness in my quad hasn't gone away. Its pretty annoying actually. It hurts to press on the area and it hurts when I sit and get up. It reminds me of a hard leg day where you can't bend your legs and how tight it feels but its only in that one area.

I imagine that its normal. I've went from a 1/4cc per body part to 1cc and now the muscle has to get used to it.
I don't know how much is normal but I found I must have been spoiled with my pharmacy grade test. I too bought from a reputable source and have 3-4 days of pip. Not enough for a limp, but a fair amount of pain.
I've started a blast of 400mg of Test C after being on TRT a little over a year. I never had any pain at the injection site before. I bought Test from a reputable lab after researching on here. My first shot of 1ml was in the glute. I noticed that through out the day I could feel the injection site. It wasn't bad but I knew that I gave myself a shot. The next injection was in my quad. Again, after a few hours I could feel the shot. I'm now on my 3rd full day after the injection and the soreness in my quad hasn't gone away. Its pretty annoying actually. It hurts to press on the area and it hurts when I sit and get up. It reminds me of a hard leg day where you can't bend your legs and how tight it feels but its only in that one area.

I imagine that its normal. I've went from a 1/4cc per body part to 1cc and now the muscle has to get used to it.

I just had the same type symptoms for the first time after quad injection. My test is pharm grade from my Rx filled at pharmacy. I chalked it up to a full cc being injected vs 1/2cc like normal for my TRT dose of the last 2 yrs. That or just sometimes crap happens. ??
I hate to keep talking about this cause you will think I'm a big sissy, but I was on trt since March with pharmacy test and never had any pain whatsoever. At first my wife did a glute injection, but eventually I moved to quads, still no pain.

This test I ordered is seriously painful. My saturday quad injection almost has me limping today and wednesdays glute injection hurt my entire right cheek until today.
I hate to keep talking about this cause you will think I'm a big sissy, but I was on trt since March with pharmacy test and never had any pain whatsoever. At first my wife did a glute injection, but eventually I moved to quads, still no pain.

This test I ordered is seriously painful. My saturday quad injection almost has me limping today and wednesdays glute injection hurt my entire right cheek until today.

That sounds just about like my experience when moving to UGL from the Rx stuff. It took me a while to get used to it. Not sure if it's more alcohol in there or what but I had the same experience with 3 different well known UGL sources. I still get it now and then if I don't use a site for a while and then go back to it. I really freaked out at first, but if there isn't any sign of infection, I wouldn't sweat it. It will get better the more you do it.
It's 200mg/ml. Now that I think about it, the first 10ml bottle wasn't too bad. Some pain but tolerable. Now that I ran out and started the second bottle, it's pretty painful. Maybe a different lot. I want to make it a couple more weeks then get blood work on this stuff but after that I may wuss out and go back to my rx reserves or try another ugl supplier.
I figure its the full CC. The pain finally left this morning, just in time for my next pin.

My RX will be ready tomorrow and I'm going to try a CC of it and see what the difference is
It's 200mg/ml. Now that I think about it, the first 10ml bottle wasn't too bad. Some pain but tolerable. Now that I ran out and started the second bottle, it's pretty painful. Maybe a different lot. I want to make it a couple more weeks then get blood work on this stuff but after that I may wuss out and go back to my rx reserves or try another ugl supplier.

If its that bad have you tried doing half and seeing if that feels better. Mine isn't as bad as you describe. That shit would suck
I cruise on 200mg Test so .4ml shots for me... I usually get a little PIP when I suddenly am doing 2-3ml shots, but it isn't that bad.

I have come across gear that has too much BA in it (assuming), so when diluted with other gear the PIP disappears.
I'm at 1 1/2 ml. I had enough rx to complete this blast but wanted to test out getting gear somewhere else before I recommended it to any friends. My dang leg hurts this morning.

I'll tough out one more injection on wednesday then get bloods saturday just so I can see how effective the gear is. Then I'm switching.

I laid on the flat bench and tried to raise my feet up to put them on the bench rather than keep them on the floor and the pain was enough that I didn't want to keep my legs bent that way.

I won't say where I got the gear as the last thread I read where someone questioned the source turned into a shitstorm, got locked, and someone probably got banned. So it'll just be a lesson learned for me.

Well I just meant that half a vial of gear at once...if you are doing that more than once a week...well, my woman bitches about the cost of my stuff....

No disrespect meant man I am just partially in awe, and mostly thankful that I can get by with a small dose of test (+TRT) and tren or deca.
I shot 2ml of Pharma Test E in my right glue, there is PIP, nothing unbearable.

Sometimes its not the gear, it just inevitable... Otherwise I don't get it much. Lots of factors at play.