how much protein when on cycle?


New member
Hi all,

I'd say my best aspect of my training is my diet. I'm disciplined with my meals, always getting in my 40 grams of protein 100g carbs and 20 grams of fat per meal and I eat 6-8 times a day.

I'm starting my first cycle soon of 12 weeks test enanthate at 500mg EW and 4 weeks of D-bol (blue hearts) at 30mg ED.

So my question is how much more should I be eating on cycle? I know protein synthesis is increased while on cycle so protein consumption should be higher but by how much??

Btw I weigh 202 pounds, workout 4 times a week and I am 20 years old.
im sorry.. did you say you have 40g protein 100g carbs and 20g fats??

are you trolling??
lmao.. my bad... i see it says "per meal" bahahahaha...

i was in disbelief for a sec
take your protein up to 50g... drop your carbs down to 70g.. and drop your fats down to 15g..
Haha yeah I meant those macros PER MEAL :D. Ok thanks for the info :), much appreciated. I'll up to 50 grams of protein a meal then. May I ask why you recommend dropping the carbs? Keeping in mind my main goal is to put on muscle mass I always thought more was better when it came to carb intake on a bulk?
how much protein, how many carbs?? if your goal is to put on isze or in offseason mode i would say 2-3 g of carbs per pound of bw..and protein is about 1.-1.5,,,now if u weight 200 lbs dont rush all of the sudden and start eating 600g of carbs daily because you gonna put on a lot of unnecessary fat..i will do it gradually and see how you react...adding carb cals little by little around 200-300cals every 3 weeks or so and see how u respond and look in the mirror...remember u wanna put on quality muscle ,anybody can put down tons food and get fat
how much protein, how many carbs?? if your goal is to put on isze or in offseason mode i would say 2-3 g of carbs per pound of bw..and protein is about 1.-1.5,,,now if u weight 200 lbs dont rush all of the sudden and start eating 600g of carbs daily because you gonna put on a lot of unnecessary fat..i will do it gradually and see how you react...adding carb cals little by little around 200-300cals every 3 weeks or so and see how u respond and look in the mirror...remember u wanna put on quality muscle ,anybody can put down tons food and get fat

bump for great advice..

though i would be more empirical about it and have him figure out his bmr/tdee first

OP... if you want me to handle your diet for you there is the option of becoming a client.. im running 15% off but only till the end of this month..

regardless we'll help you get where you wanna go
Firstly thanks for your comments, seems i'm in good hands! Your posts make a lot of sense!

3J - I have already considered trying your diet programmes, but its just not practical for me for the next few months. I'm a student and have just payed out for my cycle and a holiday which currently leaves my bank balance at 0! lol. But early-mid September you should expect some contact from me.

I used to be a massive advocate of 'calorie counting' my energy requirements for the day but I normally end up eating more anyway so these days just go on rough figures.... Nevertheless I decided to do the calculations just to have a look. My BMR is - 2055 k cals, with TDEE - 3025 typically.

I aim for a roughly 50/30/20 carbs/protein/fat split at the mo. Which on 3k cals in six meals works out about 62g/38g/11g per meal for maintenance but with a 500 calories surplus (for my bulk) it puts me on 73g/43g/13g per meal (assuming 6 meals eaten a day) taking into account my cycle 75c/50p/15f each meal x 6 should be a great starting point just as recommended,

Thanks for the help guys you definitely know your stuff :).
Oh almost forgot to ask, so if I start on 75/50/15 for a few weeks and don't put on too much fat do you think I should up my carbs?
holy shit this thread is awesome. not only do i now know my per meal macro split for the cycle i just started, but now i also know where to get AUTHENTIC michael kors outlet crap.