How much tunafish is to0 much >?


New member
I usually like to eat a can of tunafish before the gym and directly after the gym. Is the whole mercury thing Bullshit ? or should I be worried about eating that much fish. I seriously eat the stuff right out of the can with the water drained. It is especially good on toasted bread. mmmmmm....
Same here well used to. I used to eat 3 cans a day on average because it was a cheap source of protein but after reading about the mercury studies I drastically reduced it to 2-3 per week.
Chunk light, on average, contains only about 1/3 the mercury as Albacore white.

well thats bad news.... cuz all i eat is the albacore

as for the mercury thing this is what I've been told, the link above may already cover this but in simple terms...

mercury is the worst for pregnant women, as it causes birth defects in high amounts. in men its less of an issue, but can still cause problems with central and peripheral nervous system function in old age...

am i concerned, yes... do i still eat 2 cans of Albacore white a day, yes
I agree to a degree here the argument about egg consumption always comes up as well we read too many are bad for us but we eat them anyway.

Just read up abit on it and make your own decision that what I did, to be honest it did shed some light on the situation for me, to the point where 3 cans a day was too excessive IMO.
I wish I could stomach the taste of tuna. Great source of protein and fat and it is cheap and quick to eat.

My fussy eating habits don't allow me to eat it, but I wish I could force it down. I would eat it every day
I eat it nearly every day. About a 7oz packet of Chunk light in water 5-6 times per week. I don't feel I need to worry about mercury at that amount. Generally, some of these studies are based off eating large amounts (like 6 cans) everday for many years. Not something the typical athlete needs to be concerned with...IMO
Been eating 3 cans a day for a year now. I think its skipjack tuna from the seychelles and has around 33g of protien a can. You lot have got me worried now. Lol
When a fridge magnet sticks to your forehead cut back....

haha ive been eaten tuna at least twice a day, once in my egg whites omelete, and another can either solo or in a sandwish as a snack.... i dont think there is too much to be worried about..