How should I dose my mast cycle?


New member
So i'm planning my next cycle to run soon and I think i'm going to go with TestP, MastP and npp. I have been looking at how people run this cycle and no one seems to run them at the same dosages. I am just looking for some advice on how to dose my mast. I am planning 300 test/400NPP right now. should i keep the mast right at 400 with my NPP? I am ery lean right now and want to get the hardening effects of the mast for summer. any input would be great. Thanks a lot
If you are just looking to get the synergistic effects of mast then 300-400 is fine. To really see results physically from mast, given your bf% is low then run it 600-800mg/wk
Welcome to the board :wavey:

Stats ?
history and history of cycles done in the past
Your goals for this cycle

Simple Simon will tell you tat we need much more info to help someone critique his cycle.