How to determine if a source is a good source!!!


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How to determine if a source is a good source!
Due to recent events and the high amount of pop up home brew sources we see everywhere today I am writing some helpful tips for those who need it and a reminder for those who already know but may have forgotten how to identify a quality source

All quality sources should WANT recent labs posted before they sell anything. This small step adds to their credibility, to not do so is a major red flag in my book and my first sign to stay clear of them, period. All sources should have to pay their dues just like any other business does, this validates their commitment to us the customer and it is one excellent way they become VESTED in their own venture enough to insure the desire to provide the best quality they can to us their potential customers. There should be no exceptions, It's the cost of doing business, it doesn't guarantee anything but it should build trust over time...

All too often, we the users make an uninformed decision to purchase based on ridiculous criteria "Cheap Prices" and my favorite "he seems like a good guy" . This is not good information to base a purchase on, Fuck THAT! This is not a valid reason to spend your hard earned cash, as way too many of you just realized. Some of us will spend more time picking out a movie to watch this weekend than we will choosing your new steroid dealer, WTF?... that is insane! Once you find a quality source, T/A time and communication is less important. Quality and safety are important.

Here are a few reasonable and rational thoughts to ponder BEFORE you consider a source legitimate.

1. Do they have Multiple recent labs posted that verify their legitimacy?
2. Are there actual previous users giving personal reviews of gear with pictures for you to see?
3. Do they have A STRONG HISTORY? here or elsewhere?
4. If not, has the source GIVEN away gear to a respected VET from this board in return for a log and labs to verify their quality? If the answer is no, ask yourself why.
5. Do they have ANY chemistry experience? This doesn't include getting a cool recipe from the web last month.
6. Do they have a sterile facility?
7. Are they brewing steroids in the exact same place they make their meals?

There are more, but we all get the point...

Here are some reviews you should NOT CONSIDER as HELPFUL IN PICKING A SOURCE, but you should consider them laughable and irrelevant.

1. TA was excellent; xyz is GTG!
2. Communication was stellar; xyz is GTG!
3. xyz seems like a good dude, I'll give xyz a try!
5. I have history, it's just not on this board. lol, wtf does that mean... trust is earned, not given freely. That means it cost $$$ something for the source to be a receiver of your trust.
6. I'm up 5lbs in a week, xyz is GTG. we don't count water weight as LBM, why should a source get to?
7. Using a source for any one of these reasons makes it very attractive for scammers, thieves and unskilled chemists to continue in "the game"

Thanks for this great info: Author: HFO3
Awesome and informative post. Most of that should be common sense but as we all know common sense ain't too common anymore. I did pick up a few thoughts I didn't think about before. Kudos to you for finding/posting it and the author for taking the time to write it.
I feel this way about pinnacle, w/o a direct link to their site, there's no way to know for sure if you got the right site or not. I think its just retarded how easy it is to find the lab on google. They are just begging to get shut down.
They would have been shut down long ago if it was going to happen. And there is a way to know if you got the right one, just stick around and listen, and read and you will find it.
Great info. In my experience, great sources that offer all sorts of products, with the best prices, on top structured websites which are very easy to find on the internet, are the biggest fakers. Reliable source has a lower supply of well-selected primary products, which are mostly used. Genuine product can never be cheap considering that there are purchase price and that it is illegal business.
Great info! At first glance I thought this was another thread in which someone was asking for a source with creative wording of their topic haha! Great post though man.
Great info! At first glance I thought this was another thread in which someone was asking for a source with creative wording of their topic haha! Great post though man.

Haha....I could see that. But nope, Just trying to looks out for the ology fams.