How to eat for a cyclist ??


New member
All is in the question either how to eat to do good work with bicycle ? either if it is beside bodybuilding ?
I didn't understand a thing you said---

If you want to be a good cyclist you have to train like a cyclist. Not a BB.

Low - Med Fat
Low - Med Pro
High Carbohydrates
DirkMoneyshot said:
I didn't understand a thing you said---
nice to know i wasnt the only one.

i dont know a thing about cycling, but my guess would be high carbs, like dirk recommended.
A good mate of mine is really into cycling and many times he has said that elite cyclist easily consume sometimes 6000+ cals a day when theyre on tour. Alot of food but most of its through liquids to allow easy digestion
DirkMoneyshot said:
I didn't understand a thing you said---

If you want to be a good cyclist you have to train like a cyclist. Not a BB.

Low - Med Fat
Low - Med Pro
High Carbohydrates
What about a triathlete that wishes to tone up, using diet and weight training? Would something like this work:

Low - Med Fat
Med Protein
Med - High Carbohydrates (adjusted as necessary for cardio training)
Us dumb bodybuilding meatheads only know high protein....

Aren't there cycling forums out there? BAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!