How to proceed after this bloodwork?


New member
Test A @ 200/wk
NPP @ 600/wk
Bold Cyp @ 400/wk


Platelets 401 High 155-379
Creatinine 1.34 High 0.76-1.27
Potassium 5.5 High 3.5-5.2
Carbon Dioxide 30 High 19-28

And of course test, lsh, fsh, were all flagged as well. Estradiol in check.

Should I donate platelets? Any other advice?
High blood potassium levels may be caused by damage or injury to the kidneys. This prevents the kidneys from removing potassium from the blood normally.
High blood potassium levels can also be caused by conditions that move potassium from the body's cells into the blood. These conditions include severe burns, crushing injuries, heart attack, and diabetic ketoacidosis.
Taking too many potassium supplements can also cause high levels of potassium in the blood.
Too much acid (pH) in the blood makes potassium levels higher by causing the potassium in the body's cells to "leak" out of cells and into the blood.
Some medicines, such as angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, can cause high potassium levels.

Not sure about the Carbon Dioxide... and yes I would donate if you could but it's not particularly high.
Donate blood. Drink more water.

How is your prolactin looking with the NPP?

What are your estradiol and TT at?
Estradiol was at 35 with a range of 7.6-42.6 and total test was ">1500". I don't see any results for a prolactin test on my panel. Is it listed as something else? I take caber e3d and feel pretty good.
Test A @ 200/wk
NPP @ 600/wk
Bold Cyp @ 400/wk


Platelets 401 High 155-379
Creatinine 1.34 High 0.76-1.27
Potassium 5.5 High 3.5-5.2
Carbon Dioxide 30 High 19-28

And of course test, lsh, fsh, were all flagged as well. Estradiol in check.

Should I donate platelets? Any other advice?

Wouldn't worry too much about the slightly elevated platelets level. Donating platelets won't change your platelet count for long - they get regenerated by the bone marrow very quickly. It's possible that high platelet count may be somewhat thrombophilic, so maybe take low dose aspirin daily.
Estradiol was at 35 with a range of 7.6-42.6 and total test was ">1500". I don't see any results for a prolactin test on my panel. Is it listed as something else? I take caber e3d and feel pretty good.

That's perfect for estradiol... ratio of 40:1 E:T is pretty optimal and you're probably actually a bit higher depending on what your total test actually is.

If you take caber, prolactin should be fine as well. Everything is just barely high.

Best bet might be to get bloods in another 2 weeks and see where you're at.
You have some sort of pH imbalance in your blood. Your body is compensating for this by raising CO2 levels to acidify your blood.