How to store injectrable Testosterone from little 1ml vials.


New member
Hi, I have a problem because I only get testosterone for injection in the little 1ml vials.
If they are open ... they are open. :(
I only need the half of this 1ml weekly and put the rest of it in the waste. That's bad!

Can I store it one week? How?
Was read about upload it in a syringe... inject the half and store the syringe on room temperature.
Is this save?
I think that is the easiest solution, and I think it would be safe enough. Cap the syringe and draw in a clean area of course.
My old TRT doc would give me 10 pre filled syringes every 10 weeks. Never had any issues. It can start to soften and dissolve the rubber plunger after a long time but I’ve never had that happen with my pharma stuff. 1 week is no problem.
Fill two syringes at same time. Storing a syringe filled will last weeks. As far as unopened, will last at least 4 years and that is my EXPERIENCE.

Good luck,