Hows this diet look?


New member
hey guys currently sitting on about 81.5kgs (~180p) ...~13-14%bf....180cm tall

Starting my cycle of Prop/EQ/Stana in 3 weeks.

Ive been dieting rather well last 2 months just maintaining my LBM and trying to get my b/f down as much as possible before the start of the cycle.

Starting in 3 weeks i want to intake anywhere from

200-250g protein - i want to take 300g but find it hard
150-200g carbs
40-50g Fat..........anywhere from 1800 - 2200 cals a day

Most of the carbs are before 3pm and i try to keep every meal @ 50g protein eating 5 times a day.

I dont want to bulk instead im looking to cut up and add about 5 kg's in LBM

Foods are pretty much Tuna, Chicken Breast, Salmon, Eggs Steak Salad,Vegies...Few pieces of toast...protein bars and shakes.

whats something else i can add that has 50g or so of protein (not shakes as im having 4 a day).

well thats about it what you guys think.....any suggestions more or less of anything???

cheers bro's and thanks for any input.
ok here we go,

Meal 1: 8 eggs (2 yolks) scrambled with 2 peices of plain toast.
Meal 2 : Protein shake (50g protein)
Meal 3 : Chicken breast x2 with salad (olive oil in all salads)
Meal 4 : Chicken Breast x 2 with salad and vegetables (brocholli,carrots)
Meal 5 : Protein Shake (50g P)

if i do snack on somthing during the day its usually a small serving of nuts....and of course i drink plenty of water

I have 2 alternatives to these meals or i mix them around as in for the first meal i can eat oates and a proteinshake and have some boiled eggwhites for the second.

for the 3rd if not that i usually have a can of large tuna and 6egg whites with a piece of toast...or a chicken breast and a protein bar....or a steak and salad

for the 4th i can also have a piece of fish (salmon,tuna) or canned tuna with salad and vegies, or chicken breast with salad vegies

My protein shakes are WPI and have 0 carbs

My schedule usually makes me trian about an hr to 1.5 hrs after my 4th meal....all meals are about 3 hours apart

any help alterations are welcomes.

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Personally I'd like to see more food than drinks in there. Just me.

It really isn't that hard to get more protien in your diet. You just have to work at it.

Did you know just 2 oz of beef jerky has 20g protien. A great addition to a snacking meal. It is high in sodium though, just something to be aware of.

Carbs are not the devil. It will do you well to get a few more in there. I'd use either early morning or after workout as places to add them.

You could always reduce the eggs in the a.m., add a cup of oats. Increase protien later on in the day to make up for the loss of eggs in the a.m.

Many many things you could to do that. Be careful not to get reduntant, people tend to fall off the diet wagon when they eat the same thing each day after each day after each day...etc.
why do so many ppl on this board have a thing against carbs???????

they wont kill you!!!!

ive doubled my carb intake over the past couple of weeks and im killing everything in the gym, ive can weight, no bf and are feeling heaps better

Ppl need to get it out of their heads that carbs are the need them to survive
Eat it or Beat it!!! said:
why do so many ppl on this board have a thing against carbs???????

they wont kill you!!!!

ive doubled my carb intake over the past couple of weeks and im killing everything in the gym, ive can weight, no bf and are feeling heaps better

Ppl need to get it out of their heads that carbs are the need them to survive

Eating the right kind of carbs at the right times of the day is not bad, however eating too many carbs will NOT help when trying to lose fat, and can make you fat when bulking if used incorrectly.
LeanMeOut said:
Eating the right kind of carbs at the right times of the day is not bad, however eating too many carbs will NOT help when trying to lose fat, and can make you fat when bulking if used incorrectly.

I'm going out on halloween as a carb, everyone will be afraid of me!

you have a point, but remember, everyone responds to carbs slightly different, So it depends on the person and their metabolic rate.