I have a training question but feel more comfortable asking here


New member
Hello, I just feel more comfortable here than posting this on the training forum.

I have been doing with an experienced partner squats and deadlifts. The funny thing is that (and Ihave not told my partner this) that I dont feel these exercises as much as when I am pulling heavy weight on the leg press. Does this sound nuts?

My other question is when on a steriod such as anavar do you tend not to get sore at all. I mean you could lets say do a heavy chest work out and then the next day almost do it again?

Thanks crazy stevie!!
It doesn't sound nuts. Maybe is because your back is stronger than your legs. Try more weight on the squats and deadlifts.
DOMs should never dictate whether you had a good workout or not. That being said, either you're not doing enough weight, or your form sucks.
thanks. I broke my lower back 4 years ago, things have never been 100 percent. This causes alot of compensation in other areas. Im trying. Thanks.
Yeah, form I bet. Even when I just used the bar I feel it.

I always get sore, although anabolics seems to shorten the time that I am sore. Such as instead of 3 days of not being able to walk its only 1 or 2.