I need your advice on AAS


New member
Hey Brothers how's it going? I got a question for ya'll

Now I have been a member of this board for quite some time. I dont post to much but I do read alot. Now I have a problem. I am starting a very strict diet and adding more cardio as I want to lose more weight. I have gone down from 300 to 250 and I lost quite a bit fat as well as lean mass. Now I will do this again for 3 months from October til December and I wanted to know if there are any aas' that can help me keep the mass I have right now while I lose weight?

I am planing to drop another 30 pounds. I would be using Clen, T-3 combo with T-rex incorporated every 2 weeks when I am off of clen. Now I was thinking of adding either Winstrol (winny) and/or var as I am not sure if test would be good for this. What do you guys think? I do have a bottle of test e but I dont know if I should use it for this.

By the way I am 28 years old and am 6 feet tall. I have been lifting for a good 2 1/2 -3 years but I recently started to focus on diet and losing fat(around 9 months ago).

My goal is to lose these 30lbs by the new year. I appreciate your help brothers.

Personally clen and T-3 seems a bit hardcore if your just trying to lose fat but not a bodybuilder getting ready for a competition but thats just my opinion. Sure it's gonna help but I dont think what your doing is something special that no one has ever done before without the help of those supplements.

If your determined to use an anabolic approach then maybe just anavar would be good for you. Wont shut you down too hard and will help you lose fat faster then normal while retaining as much muscle as possible. Low doses such as 10-15mg per day MIGHT not even shut down your own natural testosterone production so a post cycle therapy (pct) would not even be needed but still I would run one anyway.

However for an even greater effect you could run anavar at about 30-40mg each day (spread out over 2 doses am and pm) and can be run for quite a long time depending how you feel and how badly it shuts you down, people have been known to run var for 12+ weeks with no ill side effects though for prolonged use blood tests are recommended to keep an eye on your liver values. Keeping your diet high in protein, moderate in carbs but still a daily calorie dificient diet you should lose weight quite rapidly and would be most impressed with your results I believe.
Try trimspa stacked with CLA for fat loss. ANd if you want an anabolic to use with it try the M pack from anaimal stack for a natty anabolic or anavar and low dose test if you're looking for the real deal. FORGET ABOUT Winstrol (winny).

oh, and try cardio and diet too.
I wouldn't run the t3 without test. T3 without test you tend to lose mass. I think clen would be fine as would an eca stack. Also, as mentioned above, high protein diet, continue to lift heavy, and low impact cardio....a fast walk.....or interval training.....sprints.

I don't know whether I would recomend using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) to preserve mass,,,,but if you did I would simply go with test,,,maybe 350mg a week. Much cheaper and more effective at preserving mass than var.
Iwould stick to natural sources, at least untill you hit a decent bf%. Keep up the LI cardio and i do at least 40minutes a day no less than 5 days a wk and keep up with the diet. Btw, what is your bf%?
I would stick to natural sources too. you did it this far, keep going. supplements like 2 gams of green tea, cla, fish oils will help
Thanks for the replies I really do appreciate it. my bf is at 20-21 right now I want to ge it to 10-11 by the begining of spring if possible(hopefully a lot sooner)

The reason I ask what Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) to use is because I have lost so much lean mass already and I dont want to lose anymore. I though about doing 250mg of test/week with ldex to keep bloat down, but I was think at that low of a dose I wouldnt have to really worry to much about those sides. I was also thinking of going var at 40mg per day. I was even thinking of doing test 250mg/week with Winstrol (winny) at 50mg day for the first 6 weeks and finish with var for the last 4 weeks while running test all the way through for 12 weeks.

I know there is a lot of options so I am just trying to figure out which is the best and most synergetic.

Would the above cycle do the trick or do you believe that would be to much?

Again thank you for all your help and advice