I started using AAS & Injectables at 18...


New member
Hey there, before I get flamed to death, this is a post about my experience with anabolics for any adolescent THINKING of using steroids.

I played competitive rugby as a wing and have always wanted to get bigger, I did push-ups/pull-ups and every kind of sit up mastering my own body weight as my father would not let me gym until I was 16, and rightly so. After two years of training, and seeing great results I will still tempted by steroids, in the end I unfortunately gave in after doing alot of research, I took a test prop and dbol cycle for 6 weeks followed by 3 weeks of clomid and nolva. I came off with minimal side effects to my body but a major side effect in regard to now always wanting more.

I have just finished another 8 week test prop cycle, run with anavar 100MG E/D, I am not gyno prone so I am running 100MG Clomid E/D, and up-ing my vitamin intake to trying to get back on the road to recovery, with this being said, I have come to the conclusion THERE IS NO POINT IN USING ANY TYPE OF ANABOLIC AT SUCH A YOUNG AGE, sure I have gained 2-3kgs per cycle, but I have gained that within 6 months of just natural training as well. I was always one of those impulsive kids who would do things and think later, and I have come to the conclusion that steroids will only be a part of my life when I am middle-aged and my wife has grown ugly and fat and I would need the extra test to get my dick up.

With that being said, for any kid reading this, stick to the protein shakes, kre-alklyn and a good pre-workout. Do not take shortcuts in life, for then what is the point in life at all. avoid the "oral" only cycles, unless you have a vagina, if you are gonna take steroids for heavens sakes take test first time, the reason behind this post is for any young man looking for steroids, take it from me, a man who has just turned 20, there is honestly no point in fucking around with your hormones at this age, I'm jacking off twice a day to Pornhub, it's clear I don't need the extra test, just a girlfriend.

Eat clean and train dirty.